Friday, August 3, 2007

Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy

Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy

"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 404.

A. Canet [Editor inserted: Amerling Canet]

A. Canet came to Ventura in 1873. His native place was France, where he was born in 1833. He sailed for New York, and while there was engaged eight or nine years in the manufacture of bonnet frames. He returned to France, and then came again, to California, where he took up his present location of 137 acres of Government land. He afterward bought 270 acres, and has since added to his property until he now has between 1,300 and 1,400 acres of rich pasture and grazing land. The land was wild and uncultivated, but he is improving it, and as the country grows it will increase in value every year. He is raising cattle, horses and sheep, but most of his time is devoted to sheep-raising, keeping from 1,000 to 2,000. He employs from two to five shepherds, according to season, and hound-dogs to keep the wild-cats from his flocks. They shot fifteen during the last winter. When they are in pursuit of a wild-cat they make the hills resound with their "music." In addition to his stock-raising, Mr. Canet raises corn and barley, to which the land is well-adapted; nor could it be surpassed for fruit.

Mr. Canet was married in 1864, to Miss Kate Brangan, who was born in Ireland. They have one son, Ed. C., born in New York, in 1865. In his political views Mr. Canet is mostly independent, but has lately voted with the Republicans. Mr. and Mrs. Canet are members of the Catholic Church.


Descendants of Ameling Canet

1 Ameling Canet b: Aug 1833 in France d: in Ventura County, California
.. +Kate Brangan b: in Ireland m: 1864 in New York
........ 2 Edward Canet b: Aug 1864 in New York d: in Ventura County, California
............ +Maria L. b: Jan 1873 in California d: in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Jane Canet b: May 1891 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Renae Canet b: Mar 1893 in Ventura County, California

Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.

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