Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 455.
J. C. Brewster [Editor inserted: John C. Brewster]
J. C. Brewster, a well known and highly esteemed citizen of San Buenaventura, who has been connected with the growth of the place and interested in its moral and business welfare, and now the proprietor of the art gallery, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, December 31, 1841. His father, Calvin Brewster, was born in Canterbury, Windham County, Connecticut, in 1787, a descendant of Sir William Brewster who came to the New World on the Mayflower in 1620. He (Sir William) was the father of Love Brewster, and the generations in succession were Wrestling, Jonathan, who came to Windham, Connecticut, in 1729, Peleg, born in 1717, who must have removed to Canterbury when quite young, for his oldest son, John - who made the sixth generation - was born in that town in 1739. Peleg was Mr. Brewster's great-grandfather. Jedediah, a younger son of his, was Mr. Brewster's grandfather. The record of Jedediah's birth was lost; but the town records show that he was married to Prudence Robinson May 19, 1773. According to the good-fashion in those good old times, they had a good large family, and about every two years there was a record of a birth in the family. The names on the record are as follows: Elizabeth, Silas, Anson, Florina, Sarah, Calvin and Jedediah, Jr. Elizabeth, Sarah and Jedediah died in childhood, and January, 1789, the good wife Prudence died, and the next autumn Jedediah married for his second wife Miss Asenath Hapgood, to aid in the care of the family. He removed a few years later to Berne, Albany County, New York. In 1808 he sold some of his land to Silas Brewster and the deed descends to him as living at Berne. The same year he sold his homestead to Deacon Barnabas Allen, whose son still owns it. It is about four miles from the village of Canterbury. A descendant of the Brewsters was recently there and was shown around by the proprietor. She drank from the old well that had been in uninterrupted use for more than a century. The farm is considered one of the best in that section, although a Western farmer would consider it very poor land. The old burying-ground was about a mile from the house. It was given to that part of the town by one of the Brewsters, and has been used by four or five generations and about a dozen families. Here are the names of Prudence Brewster and the children alluded to. In the lot are some stones so old that the inscriptions have become completely defaced, and some have sunk so deeply in the ground that only their tops are visible. The graveyard, however, is kept in excellent condition by a Miss Winchester, whose ancestors have been buried there for several generations. She is a spinster of eighty-five years - the last of her family. She has made provisions in her will to have the graveyard kept in condition after she has gone. She remember old 'Diah Brewster, as she called him, and said her mother used to go over there on certain occasions.
Mr. Brewster's mother, whose maiden name was Harriet Cramer, was a native of Strausburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and was born in 1813, of Dutch ancestry. The parents were married in 1837 and had a family of six children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the second. He was eight years old when the family moved to Iowa. Before he was of age he taught two terms of school, holding a first grade certificate both in Iowa and Missouri. He began to learn the art of photography in 1860, in Warsaw, Illinois, and since then has devoted his entire attention to it. In 1862 he came to California and for a short time taught a select school in Sacramento city. Soon afterward he engaged in partnership with Frank M. Stamper, and subsequently he sold to his partner and took charge of a photograph gallery on J street, that city, and continued in its charge until the proprietor sold it. Then he went to Virginia City, Nevada, and took charge of the gallery of R. H. Vance, of New York, who was a pioneer photographer of the coast. Next he had charge of a gallery at Carson City, for the same party.
In the spring of 1865 he went to Idaho with a Concord wagon and four bronchos, for Sutterly Brothers, and opened business at Ruby City. They had good success there, and his salary was $50 a week, and board without room $16 a week. In the fall they went to Placerville and also to Centerville; thence to Salt Lake City. There Mr. Sutterly built a gallery and Mr. Brewster continued to run the tent at Douglas, three miles east. In the spring of 1866 they moved into the new gallery and did a large business, the receipts sometimes reaching $200 a day. Soon after this Mr. Brewster went to Helena, Montana, and opened a gallery for himself. In the fall of 1868 he sold it and returned to Salt Lake City, and continued in business there and at several other towns in the vicinity, with fine success, until the next spring. He then went to Nevada, and was there until 1871, with his brother-in-law as partner. They had a large gallery and fine building. Thence he went to Visalia and to San Francisco, where his mother then resided. His health had failed, but soon after returning home he recovered, and began work for William Shaw, on Kearny street; but at length he was discharge because he would not work on Sunday. He then worked for Bradley & Rulofson until he decided to begin on his own account. He had a nice trade at San Luis Obispo until 1874, when he came to San Buenaventura and opened a gallery near the mission church. A year afterward he moved between Oak and California streets and built a gallery, with the privilege of moving it. In the spring of 1877 he bought his present location on Oak street and moved the gallery there, building additions to it, and has since then conducted his business with brilliant success. His gallery is splendidly equipped, and is filled with samples of his work which reflect great credit upon his skill. He was among the very first to adopt the dry-plate method, so superior to the old method.
He has recently built a nice two-story residence on Santa Clara street, surrounding it with choice flowers and young trees and shrubs. In 1875 he married Mrs. Mary O. Sinclair, widow of J. S. Sinclair; her maiden name was Mary Oberia Hadley. They have had two children, but lost the little son. Their daughter, Pansy Augusta, was born in Ventura, August 15, 1880. Mr Brewster was elected one of the School Trustees of the city; he is a Prohibition Republican, a business man of talent and a citizen without reproach. He is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church, of which denomination his family are also members. He is treasurer of the Young Men's Christian Association, and has been made an honorary member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. He is also Treasurer and Depositary of the American Bible Society at Ventura.
Descendants of John C. Brewster
1 John C. Brewster b: 31 Dec 1841 in Wayne County, Ohio d: in Ventura County, California
.. +Mary Oberia Hadley b: Jun 1843 in Kentucky d: in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Son Brewster b: in Ventura County, California d: in Died in Infancy
........ 2 Pansy Augusta Brewster b: 15 Aug 1880 in Ventura County, California d: in Ventura County, California
............ +Dana L. Teague b: 1874 in Maine d: in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Mary J. Teague b: 1914 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Sarah B. Teague b: 1917 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Robert Dana Teague b: 1919 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Infant Brewster b: in Ventura County, California d: in Died in Infancy
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 449.
C. D. Bonestel [Editor inserted: Charles D. Bonestel]
C. D. Bonestel is a pioneer business man of the State, having landed on the golden shore in 1849. He was born May 30, 1826 in New York, a son of John Bonestel, who was a native of the same State. His ancestors on his father's side were German. His mother was a native of Connecticut. In their family were four sons and two daughters. Mr. Bonestel, our subject, and one of his sisters, are all that are now living. He was brought up on a farm and when grown he came to California by way of Panama, and during a part of the succeeding winter he followed gold-mining in El Dorado County, on Hangtown Creek, in partnership with three others. Intending to build a saw-mill, they obtained the material and machinery - the freight charges on which were excessively large - and the rains set in, compelling them to abandon the enterprise for the season. They continued mining until they obtained gold enough to pay these charges and other debts on the mill material, when Mr. Bonestel found he had about $700 left. Then, with a partner, he bought a log hotel in Placerville, at $3,000, with the aid of borrowed money. They ran this hotel for two years, and in 1854 erected a brick building at Placerville, a place then of 4,000 or 5,000 inhabitants. The lower story was rented for stores, and above was a concert hall. Mr. Bonestel speculated in cattle and horses, and during the winters of 1860-'63 he was clerk of the California State Legislature. In 1862 he started on a visit to the East, taking passage on board the Golden Gate, which had about 350 passengers. She was burned on the sea, only 150 passengers making their escape. The boat in which Mr. Bonestel was taking refuge was water-logged as night was approaching. The other two boats came along, one on each side, and took the passengers out, bailed the boat and the load was evenly distributed between the three boats. During the night the boats became separated. In Mr. Bonestel's boat were four sailors, and they supposed when morning came that, as the sea was against them, they would still be found above Mancinillo. They rowed hard and took turns at the oars all day. As night approached and no signs of the town appearing, they decided to land through the surf on a sand beach. They were upset in the surf, but got ashore. One man had $6,000 in a buckskin vest, and lest it should sink him he took it off. The sailors advised him to make it fast to the boat, and it would be wafted ashore; but he endeavored to bring it in his hands and was obliged to let go of it and it was all forever lost. Another man, who had a gold-brick of about $2,000 value, tied up in a handkerchief, fastened it to the boat and it came ashore all right.
After landing the party traveled several miles before finding potable water, arriving at a river. Soon afterward they reached a small Mexican hamlet and learned they were 100 miles below mMancinillo and could not go back on the coast, but would be obliged to make a detour back in the country to find a road on which they could travel. They were but partially clothed, as those who had clothes divided with those who had nearly nothing. They supposed that the country was infested with Mexican robbers, and were trying to engage the Mexicans to take them on horseback to the coast, when one little Frenchman, who had no garments, was particularly afraid of the Mexicans. While they were talking they heard the clatter of horses' feet and the clanking of spurs and swords. The Frenchman started into the brush as fast as he could run, to escape for his life, when the party came up and proved to be men from another village who heard of the disaster and came up to see what assistance they could render. Mr. Bonestel says he always laughs when he remembers the figure that little Frenchman made as he ran, in his red shirt and drawers, as fast as if he had been shot out of a cannon.
They finally reached the town, and twenty days elapsed after the disaster to their boat before they obtained another, on which they proceeded to New York. After remaining in New York three months visiting his family, he took passage on the steamer Ariel for California, which carried 800 men, women and children. Some apprehensions were entertained that the rebel vessel Alabama might fall in with them and capture them; and much sport was indulged in concerning the matter. Several times it was stated that the Alabama was sighted, which however proved each time to be a hoax; but when off the east end of the island of Cuba Mr. Bonestel and others were below, eating their dinner. The butler put down his head and cried out, "The Alabama is after us!" Mr. Bonestel replied, "Oh, that's chesnuts;" but in a very short time they heard the report of a gun, and he and his friends made an effort to get upon deck. They were met by a crowd of people trying to get below. The shot which they heard was indeed the Alabama firing a blank cartridge at them to make them slack their speed and surrender. The Captain of the Ariel did not stop, and soon they saw two puffs of smoke from two of the guns of the Alabama, and they saw, or supposed they saw, two large balls coming directly toward them. They seemed as plain as a base ball. One of them struck the main mast and tore a large piece out of it and caused the splinters of the mast to fly all over her deck. The Ariel was stopped and a boat was sent by the Alabama to take their captain. All the passengers were filled with surprise and terror; some of the ladies fainted, and others went into hysterics. When the officer, Lieutenant Lowe, came on deck, many implored him to spare them and asked him to save them. He replied, "Ladies and gentlemen, not one of you will be harmed or injured;" and then they began to ask him all kinds of questions what he was going to do with them. Their questions were all answered in a polite manner; and such was the gallant bearing of the officer that they actually began to admire him. It was finally decided that the passengers would be landed at Kingston; but when they arrived at that point a vessel came out, which was spoken by Captain Semmes of the Alabama. He then sent word for the Captain of the Ariel to come on board the Alabama, informing him that the yellow fever was raging in Kingston and he did not wish to disembark. He said that if the captain of the Ariel would give bonds for the value of the boat - $300,000 - he would let them go. The arrangement was made and they were permitted to resume their voyage, and they arrived at San Francisco January 2, 1863.
Mr. Bonestel resumed his place in the Senate that winter as clerk, and afters its adjournment went to Austin, Nevada, and speculated in mining property and also opened an office or bank, with a partner, and conducted it for two years. He then bought out his partner and the First National Bank was started there. He closed his business and was elected vice-president of the First National Bank of Nevada. At the end of a year he found his health failing, and he came to San Francisco, bought an interest in a book and stationery store, and remained there until 1871. Then, selling out, he made another trip to the East, and returned in the winter of 1872. He then was a resident of San Francisco until January, 1875, speculating in stocks; and finally he came to Ventura County and four years held the position of under sheriff. The next two years he speculated in grain and cattle. In 1882, forming a partnership with Messrs. Chaffee and Gilbert, under the firm name of Chaffee, Gilbert & Bonestel, they afterward added the lumber trade to their business of general merchandising, and since then they have been carrying on these trades until February, 1890. They then sold out their lumber business. In October the farmers organized and incorporated a lumber company under the name of the People's Lumber Company, and elected Mr. Bonestel their president and general manager of the company.
Mr. Bonestel was brought up a Democrat, but during the war became a Republican, and so has since remained.
He was married in 1868, to Miss Nannie Smith, a native of Louisiana, but brought when an infant by her parents to California. Their three children, all born in San Francisco, are: Cora, Alonzo and Edith. Cora is now the wife of F. J. Sifford, of Ventura.
Descendants of Charles D. Bonestel
1 Charles D. Bonestel b: 30 May 1826 in New York d: in Ventura County, California
.. +Nannie Smith b: 1852 in Louisiana m: 1868 d: in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Cora Bonestel b: 1869 in San Francisco, California d: Aft. 1920 in Ventura County, California
............ +Frank Sifford b: 17 Jul 1865 in Grass Valley, Nevada Co, CA d: Aft. 1920 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Jack Howell Sifford b: 19 Jan 1891 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Alonzo Frank Bonestel b: 1872 in San Francisco, California
............ +Etheleen b: 1885 in California
........ 2 Edith Bonestel b: 1874 in San Francisco, California
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 449.
C. D. Bonestel [Editor inserted: Charles D. Bonestel]
C. D. Bonestel is a pioneer business man of the State, having landed on the golden shore in 1849. He was born May 30, 1826 in New York, a son of John Bonestel, who was a native of the same State. His ancestors on his father's side were German. His mother was a native of Connecticut. In their family were four sons and two daughters. Mr. Bonestel, our subject, and one of his sisters, are all that are now living. He was brought up on a farm and when grown he came to California by way of Panama, and during a part of the succeeding winter he followed gold-mining in El Dorado County, on Hangtown Creek, in partnership with three others. Intending to build a saw-mill, they obtained the material and machinery - the freight charges on which were excessively large - and the rains set in, compelling them to abandon the enterprise for the season. They continued mining until they obtained gold enough to pay these charges and other debts on the mill material, when Mr. Bonestel found he had about $700 left. Then, with a partner, he bought a log hotel in Placerville, at $3,000, with the aid of borrowed money. They ran this hotel for two years, and in 1854 erected a brick building at Placerville, a place then of 4,000 or 5,000 inhabitants. The lower story was rented for stores, and above was a concert hall. Mr. Bonestel speculated in cattle and horses, and during the winters of 1860-'63 he was clerk of the California State Legislature. In 1862 he started on a visit to the East, taking passage on board the Golden Gate, which had about 350 passengers. She was burned on the sea, only 150 passengers making their escape. The boat in which Mr. Bonestel was taking refuge was water-logged as night was approaching. The other two boats came along, one on each side, and took the passengers out, bailed the boat and the load was evenly distributed between the three boats. During the night the boats became separated. In Mr. Bonestel's boat were four sailors, and they supposed when morning came that, as the sea was against them, they would still be found above Mancinillo. They rowed hard and took turns at the oars all day. As night approached and no signs of the town appearing, they decided to land through the surf on a sand beach. They were upset in the surf, but got ashore. One man had $6,000 in a buckskin vest, and lest it should sink him he took it off. The sailors advised him to make it fast to the boat, and it would be wafted ashore; but he endeavored to bring it in his hands and was obliged to let go of it and it was all forever lost. Another man, who had a gold-brick of about $2,000 value, tied up in a handkerchief, fastened it to the boat and it came ashore all right.
After landing the party traveled several miles before finding potable water, arriving at a river. Soon afterward they reached a small Mexican hamlet and learned they were 100 miles below mMancinillo and could not go back on the coast, but would be obliged to make a detour back in the country to find a road on which they could travel. They were but partially clothed, as those who had clothes divided with those who had nearly nothing. They supposed that the country was infested with Mexican robbers, and were trying to engage the Mexicans to take them on horseback to the coast, when one little Frenchman, who had no garments, was particularly afraid of the Mexicans. While they were talking they heard the clatter of horses' feet and the clanking of spurs and swords. The Frenchman started into the brush as fast as he could run, to escape for his life, when the party came up and proved to be men from another village who heard of the disaster and came up to see what assistance they could render. Mr. Bonestel says he always laughs when he remembers the figure that little Frenchman made as he ran, in his red shirt and drawers, as fast as if he had been shot out of a cannon.
They finally reached the town, and twenty days elapsed after the disaster to their boat before they obtained another, on which they proceeded to New York. After remaining in New York three months visiting his family, he took passage on the steamer Ariel for California, which carried 800 men, women and children. Some apprehensions were entertained that the rebel vessel Alabama might fall in with them and capture them; and much sport was indulged in concerning the matter. Several times it was stated that the Alabama was sighted, which however proved each time to be a hoax; but when off the east end of the island of Cuba Mr. Bonestel and others were below, eating their dinner. The butler put down his head and cried out, "The Alabama is after us!" Mr. Bonestel replied, "Oh, that's chesnuts;" but in a very short time they heard the report of a gun, and he and his friends made an effort to get upon deck. They were met by a crowd of people trying to get below. The shot which they heard was indeed the Alabama firing a blank cartridge at them to make them slack their speed and surrender. The Captain of the Ariel did not stop, and soon they saw two puffs of smoke from two of the guns of the Alabama, and they saw, or supposed they saw, two large balls coming directly toward them. They seemed as plain as a base ball. One of them struck the main mast and tore a large piece out of it and caused the splinters of the mast to fly all over her deck. The Ariel was stopped and a boat was sent by the Alabama to take their captain. All the passengers were filled with surprise and terror; some of the ladies fainted, and others went into hysterics. When the officer, Lieutenant Lowe, came on deck, many implored him to spare them and asked him to save them. He replied, "Ladies and gentlemen, not one of you will be harmed or injured;" and then they began to ask him all kinds of questions what he was going to do with them. Their questions were all answered in a polite manner; and such was the gallant bearing of the officer that they actually began to admire him. It was finally decided that the passengers would be landed at Kingston; but when they arrived at that point a vessel came out, which was spoken by Captain Semmes of the Alabama. He then sent word for the Captain of the Ariel to come on board the Alabama, informing him that the yellow fever was raging in Kingston and he did not wish to disembark. He said that if the captain of the Ariel would give bonds for the value of the boat - $300,000 - he would let them go. The arrangement was made and they were permitted to resume their voyage, and they arrived at San Francisco January 2, 1863.
Mr. Bonestel resumed his place in the Senate that winter as clerk, and afters its adjournment went to Austin, Nevada, and speculated in mining property and also opened an office or bank, with a partner, and conducted it for two years. He then bought out his partner and the First National Bank was started there. He closed his business and was elected vice-president of the First National Bank of Nevada. At the end of a year he found his health failing, and he came to San Francisco, bought an interest in a book and stationery store, and remained there until 1871. Then, selling out, he made another trip to the East, and returned in the winter of 1872. He then was a resident of San Francisco until January, 1875, speculating in stocks; and finally he came to Ventura County and four years held the position of under sheriff. The next two years he speculated in grain and cattle. In 1882, forming a partnership with Messrs. Chaffee and Gilbert, under the firm name of Chaffee, Gilbert & Bonestel, they afterward added the lumber trade to their business of general merchandising, and since then they have been carrying on these trades until February, 1890. They then sold out their lumber business. In October the farmers organized and incorporated a lumber company under the name of the People's Lumber Company, and elected Mr. Bonestel their president and general manager of the company.
Mr. Bonestel was brought up a Democrat, but during the war became a Republican, and so has since remained.
He was married in 1868, to Miss Nannie Smith, a native of Louisiana, but brought when an infant by her parents to California. Their three children, all born in San Francisco, are: Cora, Alonzo and Edith. Cora is now the wife of F. J. Sifford, of Ventura.
Descendants of Charles D. Bonestel
1 Charles D. Bonestel b: 30 May 1826 in New York d: in Ventura County, California
.. +Nannie Smith b: 1852 in Louisiana m: 1868 d: in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Cora Bonestel b: 1869 in San Francisco, California d: Aft. 1920 in Ventura County, California
............ +Frank Sifford b: 17 Jul 1865 in Grass Valley, Nevada Co, CA d: Aft. 1920 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Jack Howell Sifford b: 19 Jan 1891 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Alonzo Frank Bonestel b: 1872 in San Francisco, California
............ +Etheleen b: 1885 in California
........ 2 Edith Bonestel b: 1874 in San Francisco, California
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 292.
A. W. Blumberg
A. W. Blumberg is the proprietor and manager of the Ojai Hot Springs, in the Matilija Canon, located fifteen miles from Ventura and five miles from Nordhoff. Here Mr. Blumberg has what might be called a village for the sick, the halt, and the invalid of every description, and here are located three springs. The Hot Sulphur Spring is 104° and is impregnated with sulphate of soda, magnesia and other healing properties, and is the safest and most healing to be found. Every one who has tried its efficiency speaks in the most emphatic manner of the benefits derived. Another fine spring is called the Fountain of Life, which is tonic in its effect. The third spring Mr. Blumberg calls the Mother Eve spring. It is alternative and cathartic in its effect. It is one of the unexplained mysteries of nature how these delightful health-giving fountains should flow from our beneficent mother earth in the same locality. The canon in which the little health town is located has a beautiful, clear mountain stream, the San Buenaventura River, running through it, filled with a great many shy little trout, that all can fish for but only the expert can catch. This romantic spot is hemmed in by mountains 1,000 feet high on either side, and those who enjoy wild and rugged scenery can here find a place of delight. It is about nine hundred feet above the sea, and is completely shut in from the breezes of the great Pacific, fifteen miles away. Mr. Blumberg has eighty acres of land, in the center of which he has built the Matilija House, which is designed with kitchen, dining-room, parlor and office, near which are five or six cottages in which guests may have the quiet of home. There are also some tents, the bath-house, a store and post office, all built and conducted by Mr. Blumberg, who is also the Postmaster. He is an enterprising business man, well informed, pleasing in his manner, and takes great pains to look after the comfort of his guests. Consequently, his resort is fast becoming a popular one.
The subject of this sketch was born in Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, July 9, 1836, the son of Christopher Blumberg. His grandfather, George Blumberg, came from Germany, was detained in the British army, and afterward became a settler of Delaware County, New York. Mr. Blumberg's mother, nee Jane Mackey, was a native of New York. Her father, Thomas Mackey, was also born in the same State. They were of Scotch ancestry. Mr. Blumberg received his education in New York, and afterward went to Iowa, where he was admitted to the bar. In 1872 he came to California, and after residing in Los Angeles one or two years came to Ventura County, where he has since remained. He built the first hotel in Nordhoff, for which he received the twenty acres of land on which it stands. He arrived in Nordhoff January 12, 1874, and at that time the town was in the embryo state. Mr. Blumberg named the hotel which he built The Nordhoff, but it has since been called the Ojai House. For three years he was its proprietor and conducted it successfully. The land for the town site was bought for $4.25 per acre, and sixteen years later Mr. Blumberg sold one-fourth of an acre for $5,000. He still has considerable real-estate interests in the town. He started the Hot Springs enterprise January 20, 1887.
Mr. Blumberg was married in 1859, to Miss Catherine E. Van Curen, a native of New York, daughter of Calvin Van Curen, also a native of New York. Their union has been blest with five children, four of whom are living, viz.: Ines O., Wheeler C., Birdsel W. and Irene M. The last named was the first child born in Nordhoff. Mr. Blumberg is a Republican and was elected Justice of the Peace by his party. He is a Master Mason.
Descendants of Abram W. Blumberg
1 Abram W. Blumberg b: 09 Jul 1836 in Roxbury, Delaware County, New York d: in Ventura County, California
.. +Catherine E. Van Curen b: 1843 in New York d: in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Inez O. Blumberg b: 1862 in Iowa
............ +Shephard
........ 2 Wheeler C. Blumberg b: Nov 1863 in Iowa
............ +Rose A. b: Oct 1864 in California
................... 3 Clarence Blumberg b: Feb 1882 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Etta Blumberg b: Jan 1887 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Carl Blumberg b: Apr 1897 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Bertsell W. Blumberg b: 1872 in Iowa
........ 2 Irene M. Blumberg b: 1875 in Ventura County, California
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 292.
A. W. Blumberg
A. W. Blumberg is the proprietor and manager of the Ojai Hot Springs, in the Matilija Canon, located fifteen miles from Ventura and five miles from Nordhoff. Here Mr. Blumberg has what might be called a village for the sick, the halt, and the invalid of every description, and here are located three springs. The Hot Sulphur Spring is 104° and is impregnated with sulphate of soda, magnesia and other healing properties, and is the safest and most healing to be found. Every one who has tried its efficiency speaks in the most emphatic manner of the benefits derived. Another fine spring is called the Fountain of Life, which is tonic in its effect. The third spring Mr. Blumberg calls the Mother Eve spring. It is alternative and cathartic in its effect. It is one of the unexplained mysteries of nature how these delightful health-giving fountains should flow from our beneficent mother earth in the same locality. The canon in which the little health town is located has a beautiful, clear mountain stream, the San Buenaventura River, running through it, filled with a great many shy little trout, that all can fish for but only the expert can catch. This romantic spot is hemmed in by mountains 1,000 feet high on either side, and those who enjoy wild and rugged scenery can here find a place of delight. It is about nine hundred feet above the sea, and is completely shut in from the breezes of the great Pacific, fifteen miles away. Mr. Blumberg has eighty acres of land, in the center of which he has built the Matilija House, which is designed with kitchen, dining-room, parlor and office, near which are five or six cottages in which guests may have the quiet of home. There are also some tents, the bath-house, a store and post office, all built and conducted by Mr. Blumberg, who is also the Postmaster. He is an enterprising business man, well informed, pleasing in his manner, and takes great pains to look after the comfort of his guests. Consequently, his resort is fast becoming a popular one.
The subject of this sketch was born in Roxbury, Delaware County, New York, July 9, 1836, the son of Christopher Blumberg. His grandfather, George Blumberg, came from Germany, was detained in the British army, and afterward became a settler of Delaware County, New York. Mr. Blumberg's mother, nee Jane Mackey, was a native of New York. Her father, Thomas Mackey, was also born in the same State. They were of Scotch ancestry. Mr. Blumberg received his education in New York, and afterward went to Iowa, where he was admitted to the bar. In 1872 he came to California, and after residing in Los Angeles one or two years came to Ventura County, where he has since remained. He built the first hotel in Nordhoff, for which he received the twenty acres of land on which it stands. He arrived in Nordhoff January 12, 1874, and at that time the town was in the embryo state. Mr. Blumberg named the hotel which he built The Nordhoff, but it has since been called the Ojai House. For three years he was its proprietor and conducted it successfully. The land for the town site was bought for $4.25 per acre, and sixteen years later Mr. Blumberg sold one-fourth of an acre for $5,000. He still has considerable real-estate interests in the town. He started the Hot Springs enterprise January 20, 1887.
Mr. Blumberg was married in 1859, to Miss Catherine E. Van Curen, a native of New York, daughter of Calvin Van Curen, also a native of New York. Their union has been blest with five children, four of whom are living, viz.: Ines O., Wheeler C., Birdsel W. and Irene M. The last named was the first child born in Nordhoff. Mr. Blumberg is a Republican and was elected Justice of the Peace by his party. He is a Master Mason.
Descendants of Abram W. Blumberg
1 Abram W. Blumberg b: 09 Jul 1836 in Roxbury, Delaware County, New York d: in Ventura County, California
.. +Catherine E. Van Curen b: 1843 in New York d: in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Inez O. Blumberg b: 1862 in Iowa
............ +Shephard
........ 2 Wheeler C. Blumberg b: Nov 1863 in Iowa
............ +Rose A. b: Oct 1864 in California
................... 3 Clarence Blumberg b: Feb 1882 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Etta Blumberg b: Jan 1887 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Carl Blumberg b: Apr 1897 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Bertsell W. Blumberg b: 1872 in Iowa
........ 2 Irene M. Blumberg b: 1875 in Ventura County, California
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
Republican Politics,
Monday, July 16, 2007
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 459.
Nathan W. Blanchard
Nathan W. Blanchard, a prominent pioneer of Ventura County and founder of the town of Santa Paula, was born in Madison, Maine, July 24, 1831. His father, Merrill Blanchard, was born in Abington, Massachusetts, July 18, 1806. His grandfather, Dean Blanchard, and his great-grandfather, Captain Thomas Blanchard, and his ancestors two generations back were natives of the same State. His ancestor was of French Huguenot stock, who settled near London, having been driven from his own country by persecution. His ancestor, Thomas Blanchard, the ancestor of a large part of the New England families of that name, came from London in 1639. In the manufacturing interest of that Commonwealth they have been active as machinists and inventors, doing a large share in the production of labor-saving machinery. Mr. Blanchard's mother, nee Eunice Weston, was born in Madison, Maine, on the Kennebec River, in 1804, the daughter of Deacon Benjamin Weston. At that point two generations of the family had resided. Mr. Blanchard's parents had six children, three daughters and three sons, and they are all living. Mr. Blanchard was educated at Houlton Academy and Waterville College - now Colby University - where he received his degrees.
In 1854 he came to California and engaged in mining for a season near Columbia, Tuolumne County, and in the fall went to Iowa Hill, Placer county, and conducted a meat market there for four years; then he went to Dutch Flat, continuing in part in the same business several years longer. From 1864 to 1872 he was engaged in lumbering with excellent success. Selling out he came to Ventura County and in partnership with E. B. Higgins purchased the site of the town of Santa Paula - 2,700 acres. In the fall of 1872 he bought Mr. Higgins' interest and sold it to E. L. Bradley. The first at once began to make valuable improvements on the property, in fencing and conducting water to it from the bed of the creek two miles above the town. From it they also obtained water for the lands and power for their flouring-mill, which they built. This mill and all the property were managed by Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Bradley being a non-resident. In 1885 the property was partitioned, and Mr. Blanchard now gives his whole attention to the production of citrus fruits. In 1874 he had an orange grove of 100 acres, planted by Mr. Clark, who did the work for an interest on the same; and they afterward bought Mr. Clark's interest. In 1876 they budded 1,000 trees to lemons and as many more to different varieties of oranges. The orchard remained so long in an unbearing condition that most people had decided that it would never bear; and not until 1888 did the orchard return a profit. In 1889 Mr. Blanchard shipped 8,386 boxes of oranges and 2,540 boxes of lemons. The prospects now are that it will continue to increase in productiveness for many years. No fertilizer has been used; the soil being a very deep, rich loam.
The family are delightfully situated in their California home, surrounded with the trees and flowers of their own planting, and overlooking the town which Mr. Blanchard platted and with which he has had so much to do in its improvement and growth. He has also aided materially in the construction of the academy; and is now president of its board of trustees; has also taken a lively interest in the public schools, serving as trustee of the same several years. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the three principal branches of Freemasonry, having passed the chairs in both the blue lodge and the commandery and also the lodge of Odd Fellows. In his religious views he is a Congregationalist, and in his political a Republican. He is a good, straight-forward business man and unassuming in his manner. While in Placer County, he was elected District Collector and served two years, then was elected to the State Legislature, and subsequently declined a nomination tendered him, when the nomination insured an election. In the Legislature he served efficiently on the Committee on Education, and was author of a bill enacted into a law which suppressed an immorality prevalent in the mining towns of the State, namely, bands of dancing girls, who periodically visited the mining communities, played the tambourine and made the drinking saloons their headquarters.
In the fall of 1864 he went East on a visit, and December 21, married Miss Ann Elizabeth Hobbs, a native of North Berwick Maine, and daughter of Wilson Hobbs, an old resident of that state. They have two daughters and one son, all born in California, namely: Sarah E., Eunice W. and Nathan W. The elder daughter is now in San Francisco studying art.
Descendants of Nathan Weston Blanchard
1 Nathan Weston Blanchard b: 24 Jul 1831 in Madison, Maine d: Aft. 1910 in Ventura County, California
.. +Anne Elizabeth Hobbs b: 1838 in Maine m: 03 Dec 1864 in Maine d: Aft. 1910 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Eunice Blanchard b: Sep 1871 in California
........ 2 Nathan Weston Blanchard, Jr. b: 16 Oct 1873 in California d: 05 Feb 1932 in Santa Paula, California
............ +Josephine Ester McClelland b: 07 Jan 1884 in Oakland, California m: 1908 in California d: 07 Apr 1981 in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California
................... 3 Nathan W. Blanchard b: 1909 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Dean Hobbs Blanchard b: 1912 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Thomas Goodwin Blanchard b: 1916 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Eliot McClelland Blanchard b: 07 Jul 1914 in Ventura County, California d: 20 Jul 1965 in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California
....................... +Elizabeth Irene Manger
............................. 4 Living Blanchard
................................. +Living Chess
............................. 4 Living Blanchard
................................. +Living Hennoste
........................................ 5 Living Blanchard
............................. 4 Living Blanchard
........ 2 Sarah Blanchard b: 1869 in California
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 459.
Nathan W. Blanchard
Nathan W. Blanchard, a prominent pioneer of Ventura County and founder of the town of Santa Paula, was born in Madison, Maine, July 24, 1831. His father, Merrill Blanchard, was born in Abington, Massachusetts, July 18, 1806. His grandfather, Dean Blanchard, and his great-grandfather, Captain Thomas Blanchard, and his ancestors two generations back were natives of the same State. His ancestor was of French Huguenot stock, who settled near London, having been driven from his own country by persecution. His ancestor, Thomas Blanchard, the ancestor of a large part of the New England families of that name, came from London in 1639. In the manufacturing interest of that Commonwealth they have been active as machinists and inventors, doing a large share in the production of labor-saving machinery. Mr. Blanchard's mother, nee Eunice Weston, was born in Madison, Maine, on the Kennebec River, in 1804, the daughter of Deacon Benjamin Weston. At that point two generations of the family had resided. Mr. Blanchard's parents had six children, three daughters and three sons, and they are all living. Mr. Blanchard was educated at Houlton Academy and Waterville College - now Colby University - where he received his degrees.
In 1854 he came to California and engaged in mining for a season near Columbia, Tuolumne County, and in the fall went to Iowa Hill, Placer county, and conducted a meat market there for four years; then he went to Dutch Flat, continuing in part in the same business several years longer. From 1864 to 1872 he was engaged in lumbering with excellent success. Selling out he came to Ventura County and in partnership with E. B. Higgins purchased the site of the town of Santa Paula - 2,700 acres. In the fall of 1872 he bought Mr. Higgins' interest and sold it to E. L. Bradley. The first at once began to make valuable improvements on the property, in fencing and conducting water to it from the bed of the creek two miles above the town. From it they also obtained water for the lands and power for their flouring-mill, which they built. This mill and all the property were managed by Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Bradley being a non-resident. In 1885 the property was partitioned, and Mr. Blanchard now gives his whole attention to the production of citrus fruits. In 1874 he had an orange grove of 100 acres, planted by Mr. Clark, who did the work for an interest on the same; and they afterward bought Mr. Clark's interest. In 1876 they budded 1,000 trees to lemons and as many more to different varieties of oranges. The orchard remained so long in an unbearing condition that most people had decided that it would never bear; and not until 1888 did the orchard return a profit. In 1889 Mr. Blanchard shipped 8,386 boxes of oranges and 2,540 boxes of lemons. The prospects now are that it will continue to increase in productiveness for many years. No fertilizer has been used; the soil being a very deep, rich loam.
The family are delightfully situated in their California home, surrounded with the trees and flowers of their own planting, and overlooking the town which Mr. Blanchard platted and with which he has had so much to do in its improvement and growth. He has also aided materially in the construction of the academy; and is now president of its board of trustees; has also taken a lively interest in the public schools, serving as trustee of the same several years. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the three principal branches of Freemasonry, having passed the chairs in both the blue lodge and the commandery and also the lodge of Odd Fellows. In his religious views he is a Congregationalist, and in his political a Republican. He is a good, straight-forward business man and unassuming in his manner. While in Placer County, he was elected District Collector and served two years, then was elected to the State Legislature, and subsequently declined a nomination tendered him, when the nomination insured an election. In the Legislature he served efficiently on the Committee on Education, and was author of a bill enacted into a law which suppressed an immorality prevalent in the mining towns of the State, namely, bands of dancing girls, who periodically visited the mining communities, played the tambourine and made the drinking saloons their headquarters.
In the fall of 1864 he went East on a visit, and December 21, married Miss Ann Elizabeth Hobbs, a native of North Berwick Maine, and daughter of Wilson Hobbs, an old resident of that state. They have two daughters and one son, all born in California, namely: Sarah E., Eunice W. and Nathan W. The elder daughter is now in San Francisco studying art.
Descendants of Nathan Weston Blanchard
1 Nathan Weston Blanchard b: 24 Jul 1831 in Madison, Maine d: Aft. 1910 in Ventura County, California
.. +Anne Elizabeth Hobbs b: 1838 in Maine m: 03 Dec 1864 in Maine d: Aft. 1910 in Ventura County, California
........ 2 Eunice Blanchard b: Sep 1871 in California
........ 2 Nathan Weston Blanchard, Jr. b: 16 Oct 1873 in California d: 05 Feb 1932 in Santa Paula, California
............ +Josephine Ester McClelland b: 07 Jan 1884 in Oakland, California m: 1908 in California d: 07 Apr 1981 in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California
................... 3 Nathan W. Blanchard b: 1909 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Dean Hobbs Blanchard b: 1912 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Thomas Goodwin Blanchard b: 1916 in Ventura County, California
................... 3 Eliot McClelland Blanchard b: 07 Jul 1914 in Ventura County, California d: 20 Jul 1965 in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California
....................... +Elizabeth Irene Manger
............................. 4 Living Blanchard
................................. +Living Chess
............................. 4 Living Blanchard
................................. +Living Hennoste
........................................ 5 Living Blanchard
............................. 4 Living Blanchard
........ 2 Sarah Blanchard b: 1869 in California
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
Republican Politics,
Friday, July 13, 2007
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 623.
Tyler Bither [Editor inserted: John Tyler Bither]
Tyler Bither is another of the worthy pioneers of California. He was born in Houlton, Aroostock County, Maine, June 15, 1828. His father, Benjamin Bither, was also a native of Maine, and his grandfather came from England to that State in an early day. Mr. Bither's mother, Anna (Tyler) Bither, was a native of Maine and of Dutch descent. The subject of this sketch remained in his native State until twenty-three years of age, when, in 1854, he came to California, and for twelve years was engaged in mining in Tuolumne County. He dug from $2.50 to $100 per day, and in one pan got six ounces of gold, which he sold for $102. When he quit mining he went to San Joaquin, took up Government land, which he improved, and ten years later sold it and located in San Luis Obispo County, remaining in that place one year. In 1877 he came to Ventura and, after renting land three years, purchased the farm of 100 acres on which he now resides. This he has improved, and his home is a comfortable and attractive one. Mr. Bither is devoting 400 acres to the cultivation of Lima beans and also small white beans, and is realizing from $30 to $80 per acre from his crops.
The subject of this sketch was married in 1852, to Miss Sarah J. Ward, who was born in Massachusetts in 1836. For thirty-eight years she has shared his joys and sorrows, and knows much of pioneer life. They have reared a family of seven children, all now living, viz.: Arthur A., born in Maine in 1853, resides in the San Joaquin Valley; Marion J., born in Tuolumne County, California, in 1861, is now the wife of J. M. Coffman, of Santa Barbara; Annie S., also born in Tuolumne County, now the wife of W. S. Newell, of Ventura; W. W. W., one of triplets, now a resident of Ventura, the other two having died a few hours after birth; B. F. and Minnie M., both born in San Joaquin; and S. J. Eva, born in Ventura in 1880.
Politically Mr. Bither was formerly a Douglas Democrat, but since the war has been a firm Republican. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge. His mother was a Freewill Baptist and his father a Universalist. Mrs. Bither was raised a Congregationalist.
Descendants of Benjamin Bither
1 Benjamin Bither b: 23 Sep 1792 in Limerick, York Co, ME d: 09 Feb 1871 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
.. +Annie Tyler b: 28 Jun 1797 in Hiram, Oxford Co, ME m: 19 Oct 1814 in Unity, Waldo Co, ME d: 14 Mar 1879 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 William D. Bither b: 17 Feb 1816 in Unity, Waldo Co, ME d: 24 Jul 1897 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Hannah H. Young b: Abt. 1819 in Charleston, Penobscot Co, ME m: 07 Jul 1839 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 10 Dec 1847 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Major W. Bither b: 14 May 1840 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 William H. Bither b: 29 Jan 1842 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Charles O. Bither b: 30 Jan 1844 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Rhoda Bither b: 21 Mar 1846 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Benjamin F. Bither b: 27 Nov 1847 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *2nd Wife of William D. Bither:
............ +Almira (Bither) m: Abt. 1849 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *3rd Wife of William D. Bither:
............ +Mary A. Robinson b: Abt. 1820 in Belfast, Ireland m: Bef. 1860 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 07 Jul 1885 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 Benjamin Bither b: 26 Jun 1817 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: in
............ +Mary (Bither) m: 16 Oct 1842 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 Josiah Libby Bither b: 21 Nov 1818 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Phineas L. Bither b: 03 Oct 1820 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: 21 Apr 1874 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Maria A. Porter b: 22 Aug 1827 in St. Mary, York, New Brunswick m: 12 May 1850 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 14 Nov 1916 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Eben Eber Kimball /Bither b: 28 Feb 1851 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1943 in Somis, Ventura Co, CA
....................... +Mary C. Buck b: 27 Dec 1851 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 08 Sep 1874 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Jan 1887 in Cottonwood District, Merced Co, CA
............................. 4 Vivian R. Bither b: 24 Oct 1875 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +John Franklin Runkle b: 16 Sep 1872 in Milroy, Mifflin Co, PA m: 15 Nov 1898 in Somis, Ventura Co, CA d: 27 Apr 1961
........................................ 5 Edgar V. Runkle b: Abt. 1899 in CA d: in
........................................ 5 John H. Runkle b: 31 Jan 1900 in CA d: 24 May 1998 in Swall Meadows, Inyo Co, CA
............................. 4 Miriam A. Bither b: 28 Aug 1878 in Merced, Merced Co, CA d: in
................................. +Henry Stork b: Abt. 1874 d: in
........................................ 5 Robert Stork b: Abt. 1900 d: in
........................................ 5 Louis Stork b: Abt. 1902 d: in
............................. 4 Harry L. Bither b: 05 May 1881 in Merced, Merced Co, CA d: in
................................. +Nettie Elizabeth Williams b: 03 Aug 1884 m: 30 Jun 1909 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA d: in
............................. 4 Hartley S. Bither b: 17 Apr 1884 in Merced, Merced Co, CA d: Feb 1982 in Ojai, Ventura Co, CA
................................. +Ruth Miller b: 12 Jan 1891 in Of CA m: 22 Sep 1910 d: Jun 1982 in Ojai, Ventura Co, CA
................... 3 Herbert Orville Bither b: 09 Dec 1852 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Apr 1932 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Mary J. Stewart b: 01 Apr 1858 in Miramichi, Northumberland, New Brunswick m: Abt. 1882 d: 19 Nov 1926 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Amos Henry Bither b: 11 Jun 1883 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Mary Gardiner b: Abt. 1887 d: in
............................. *2nd Wife of Amos Henry Bither:
................................. +Laura Mary Adams b: 1898 d: 1981
........................................ 5 Herbert Lloyd Bither b: 02 Sep 1926 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 02 Apr 1998 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................................ +Dorothy Mae Malone b: 29 Apr 1929 in Haynesville, Aroostook Co, ME m: 25 Nov 1948 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 28 Aug 1985 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Byron A. Bither b: 04 May 1890 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Maud E. Tuck b: 14 Jun 1894 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: Abt. 29 Nov 1911 in ME d: 17 Feb 1916 in ME
............................. *2nd Wife of Byron A. Bither:
................................. +Ruth (Bither) b: Abt. 1896 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME m: 14 Nov 1917 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........................................ 5 Forest Eugene Bither b: 02 Mar 1923 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 31 Jan 1934 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Etta A.C. Bither b: 06 Jun 1855 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Dec 1894 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Albion A. Stewart b: Abt. 1851 in Of Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 07 Jan 1877 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Waldo Stewart b: Abt. 1878 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Hartley Stewart b: Abt. 1879 d: in
................... 3 Hartley A. Bither b: 03 Dec 1857 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 16 Mar 1906 in Berkeley, Alameda Co, CA
....................... +Lucy Ellen Eachus b: 18 Feb 1866 in Newman, Stanislaus Co, CA m: 28 Feb 1892 d: in
............................. 4 Geneva Elizabeth Bither b: 28 Jun 1894 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co, CA d: in
............................. 4 Foster Orville Bither b: 07 Jul 1898 in Newman, Stanislaus Co, CA d: in
............................. 4 Gladys Alva Bither b: 13 Oct 1901 in Porterville, Tulare Co, CA d: in
................... 3 Artimecia "Arlene" Laura Bither b: 06 Nov 1862 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1955
....................... +John H. Hyers b: Abt. 1858 d: in
................... 3 Serena Edith "Eda" Bither b: 30 Oct 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1938
....................... +Harrison "Harry" William Wilson b: 04 Apr 1864 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 30 Apr 1884 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 17 Jul 1927 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Rubenia "Ruby" M. Wilson b: 1883 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1964 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Abijah G. Inghram b: Abt. 1873 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 22 Apr 1903 d: 1932 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. *2nd Husband of Rubenia "Ruby" M. Wilson:
................................. +"Unk" Young m: Aft. 1932 d: in
............................. 4 Iris Bernice Wilson b: 15 Jul 1891 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 18 Dec 1966
................................. +Clarence Dwight Currier b: 11 Aug 1889 in Littleton, Aroostook Co, ME m: 22 Apr 1919 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 10 Aug 1977
............................. 4 "Infant" Wilson b: 19 Mar 1893 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Mar 1893 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Robert Almon Wilson b: 13 Mar 1894 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Sep 1976 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Flora Mary Hunter b: 21 Oct 1894 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: Abt. 1817 d: Oct 1979
........................................ 5 Madeline Lucille Wilson b: 19 Apr 1918 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 12 Jul 1997 in Ellington, Tolland Co, CT
........................................ 5 Lawrence Almon Wilson b: 27 Mar 1919 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 25 Mar 1988 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
............................................ +Marion T. Welton b: 10 May 1917 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 12 Aug 2001 in Providence, Providence Co, RI
........................................ 5 Evelyn Corneila Wilson b: 01 Mar 1922 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 23 May 1997 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................................ +"Unk" Simpson
.................................................. 6 Gerry R. Simpson b: Abt. 1942 d: Bef. 23 May 1997
............................. 4 Ralph Waldo Wilson b: 04 Aug 1901 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Sep 1974 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Edna Dickerson b: 1902 in Canterbury, New Brunswick d: 1961 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Dora Alyce Alice /Bither b: 25 Aug 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Jan 1928
....................... +Lincoln J. Bubar b: 11 Nov 1865 in Blaine, Aroostook Co, ME m: 04 Jun 1890 d: in
............................. 4 Hammond Bubar b: Abt. 1891 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Joan (Vallee) Bubar b: Abt. 1893 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Ethel Bubar b: 20 Sep 1895 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Isa Bubar b: 08 Apr 1897 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Louis H. Bubar b: 05 May 1899 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Phineas L. Bither b: 08 Dec 1874 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 26 May 1876 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 Eunice Strout Bither b: 13 Jul 1822 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: 08 Jan 1893 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Isaac Sawyer b: Abt. 1812 in New Brunswick, Canada m: 01 May 1839 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 22 Apr 1847 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Orville Leonard Sawyer b: 22 Aug 1841 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 01 Oct 1925 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Mary L. Warner b: Abt. 1844 in Of Hogdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 31 Aug 1864 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... *2nd Wife of Orville Leonard Sawyer:
....................... +Nancy J. Sterrett b: 06 Jun 1845 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 01 Oct 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 17 Nov 1920 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Laura L. Sawyer b: 25 Oct 1881 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Aft. Jan 1898
................................. +Garfield Burton b: 1880 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 30 Jan 1907 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *2nd Husband of Eunice Strout Bither:
............ +Daniel Buck m: Aft. 1850 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Rhoda Libby Bither b: 17 Jan 1824 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: 19 Feb 1911 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Michael Carroll b: Abt. 1820 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME m: 11 May 1859 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Isaac Strout Bither b: 19 Mar 1826 in Bradford, Penobscot Co, ME d: 23 Jun 1896 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Eveline Young b: Sep 1828 m: 12 Jul 1851 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Jun 1888 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Fred L. Bither b: 12 Jul 1853 in Aroostook Co, ME d: 1910 in CA
....................... +Caroline "Callie" Nowdesha b: 16 Dec 1857 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA m: 21 Apr 1878 in CA d: in
............................. 4 Robert V. Bither b: 10 Mar 1880 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: in CA
................................. +Amelia Foster b: 30 Sep 1889 m: Nov 1910 d: in
............................. 4 William Bither b: 27 May 1883 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 03 Mar 1898 in CA
................... 3 Lawrence H. Bither b: 19 Aug 1855 in Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Jun 1917 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
....................... +Peachie Swope b: 09 Jan 1859 in Pleasant Hill, Cass Co, MO m: 13 Apr 1879 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 08 Dec 1930 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
............................. 4 "Infant" Bither b: 26 Feb 1880 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 26 Feb 1880 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
............................. 4 Clara Bither b: 14 Jun 1881 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 31 Dec 1948 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA
................................. +Frederick Isbell b: 14 Jun 1880 in Biggs, Butte Co, CA m: 14 Jun 1909 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA d: 24 May 1951 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA
........................................ 5 Lawrence F. Isbell b: 21 Apr 1911 in CA d: 16 Dec 1977 in Los Altos, Santa Clara Co, CA
............................. 4 Elmer Lawrence Bither b: 13 Aug 1889 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 17 Jul 1913 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
................... 3 Preston P. Bither b: 02 Apr 1857 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 29 May 1934 in Colfax, Whitman Co, WA
....................... +Isa Bubar b: Abt. 1862 in Of ME m: 1881 in CA d: in Denver, Denver Co, CO
............................. 4 Henry G. Bither b: 10 Apr 1882 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1950 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co, CO
................................. +Ada May Brown b: Abt. 1885 m: 26 Feb 1906 in Patten, Penobscot Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Byron Earl Bither b: 27 Dec 1883 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 22 Oct 1949 in Dexter, Penobscot Co, ME
................................. +Ethel Eugene Hoxie b: 25 Jun 1887 in Of Augusta, Kennebec Co, ME m: Abt. 1910 d: Jun 1971 in Pinewood, Chittended Co, VT
............................. 4 Lawrence Hammond Bither b: 03 May 1888 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1924 in MA
................... 3 Willis Holman Bither b: 26 Feb 1859 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 27 Nov 1912 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Sarah Christiana Alexander b: 02 May 1861 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: in ME d: 15 Aug 1936 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Vera Mary Bither b: 17 Nov 1883 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 01 Nov 1928 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Albert Rufus Young b: Abt. 1879 d: in
............................. 4 Fred Alexander Bither b: 05 Aug 1885 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Maud J. Rhoda b: 19 Jul 1885 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 18 Sep 1912 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: 06 Oct 1914 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........................................ 5 Cecil Woodrow Bither b: 06 Oct 1914 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Sep 1915 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. *2nd Wife of Fred Alexander Bither:
................................. +Gertrude "Mary" Moir b: 19 Aug 1894 in Blaine, Aroostook Co, ME m: 29 Nov 1916 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 22 May 1951 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Maurice Hartley Bither b: 25 Dec 1887 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Aug 1967 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Beryl Lillian Stewart b: 27 Oct 1889 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 24 Dec 1908 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Mar 1973 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Ada Evelyn Bither b: 31 Jan 1893 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Willis Irban Bither b: 27 Oct 1895 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Mollie A. Farrar b: 29 May 1890 in Aston, Delaware Co, PA m: 06 Dec 1914 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: 16 May 1919 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Cora "Annie" Bither b: 24 Jan 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Joseph Perry
............................. 4 Willa Perry b: Abt. 1886 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... *2nd Husband of Cora "Annie" Bither:
....................... +Justin Justus Emerson /Packard b: 24 May 1858 in Manchester, Kennebec Co, ME m: Abt. 1884 in ME d: in
................... 3 Myra Mina E. /Bither b: 10 Feb 1872 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +George Halliburton Avery b: 15 Apr 1869 in Lubec, Washington Co, ME m: 27 Jan 1898 in Lubec, Washington Co, ME d: 05 Jan 1947 in Lubec, Washington Co, ME
............................. 4 Myron H. Avery b: 03 Nov 1899 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Evelyn Avery b: 1901 in ME d: in
........ 2 John Tyler Bither b: 15 Jun 1828 in Houlton, Aroostock County, Maine d: 17 Jan 1906 in Santa Rosa, CA
............ +Sarah Ward b: 1836 in Massachusetts m: 15 Sep 1852 in Maine d: in
................... 3 S. J. Eva Bither b: 1880 in Ventura County, Saticoy township, California d: 1952 in Santa Barbara, Ca
....................... +John Linnington Moyer b: 29 Dec 1876 in Quincy , Illinois d: 1969 in Los Angeles
............................. 4 Paul Raymond Moyer b: 21 Feb 1898 in Santa Barbara, CA d: Feb 1986 in Woodland Hills, CA
................................. +Catherine Foote b: 27 Jan 1898 in Fresno, CA
........................................ 5 Paula Barbara Moyer b: in Los Angeles CA d: in Huntington Beach, CA
............................................ +Francis Robert Ryan b: in Chicago, IL m: in St Brenden's Church, Los Angeles, CA.
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Susan Elizabeth Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
...................................................... +Living Brown
............................................................. 7 Living Brown
............................................................. 7 Living Brown
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Loretta Diane Ryan b: 09 Aug 1958 in Burbank, Ca d: 30 Oct 1992 in San Diego, CA
................... 3 Arthur A. Bither b: 1853 in Maine d: in California
................... 3 Marian Juliette Bither b: 16 May 1861 in Tuolumne County, California d: 22 Aug 1945 in San Luis Obispo Co., California
....................... +Jesse Monroe Coffman b: 20 Jan 1849 in Illinois m: Abt. 1877 d: 15 Oct 1919 in Ventura County, California
............................. 4 Effie Coffman b: 28 Dec 1879 in , , California d: 13 Jan 1942 in , Santa Barbara Co., California
................................. +Barrett
............................. 4 Clara Coffman b: 09 Jul 1881 in , , California d: 26 Jan 1959 in San Francisco, , California
................................. +Pehrson
............................. 4 Annie L. Coffman b: Oct 1883 in , , California
............................. 4 Frank W. Coffman b: 03 Nov 1885 in , , California d: 02 Apr 1956 in , Ventura Co., California
............................. 4 Clarence E. Coffman b: 13 Nov 1887 in , , California d: 02 Oct 1961 in , Ventura Co., California
............................. 4 Cora M. Coffman b: 30 May 1891 in , , California d: 22 Nov 1967 in , Santa Barbara Co., California
................................. +Walker
........................................ 5 Living Walker
........................................ 5 Living Walker
............................. 4 D. E. Coffman b: May 1893 in , , California
............................. 4 Edna V. Coffman b: Jul 1895 in , , California
............................. 4 Esther L. Coffman b: 02 May 1898 in , , California d: 05 Mar 1961 in , Santa Barbara Co., California
................................. +Carl R. Schrouder
........................................ 5 Living Schrouder
............................. 4 Bernice Lillian Coffman b: 17 Dec 1901 in , , California d: 30 Dec 1984 in , Alameda Co., California
................................. +Dillon
................... 3 Annie S. Bither b: 1863 in Tuolumne County, California d: in California
....................... +Winfield Scott Newell b: 1855 in Iowa d: in California
............................. 4 George S. Newell b: 1887 in California
............................. 4 Arthur LeRoy Newell b: 1891 in California
............................. 4 Lucy Newell b: 1895 in California
............................. 4 William L. Newell b: 1893 in California
............................. 4 Frank Newell b: 1902 in California
............................. 4 Mabel M. Newell b: 1905 in California
................... 3 William Wildora (Triplet) Bither b: 1867 in Tuolumne County, California
....................... +Lucy Spitler b: 1873 in Kansas m: 09 Apr 1892
............................. 4 Lawrence Bither b: 1894 in Stanislaus County, California
............................. 4 Linnie Bither b: 1900 in Stanislaus County, California
............................. 4 Earl Bither b: 1908 in Stanislaus County, California
................... 3 Baby Triplet Bither b: 1867 in Tuolumne County, California d: in Hours after birth
................... 3 Baby Triplet Bither b: 1867 in Tuolumne County, California d: in Hours after birth
................... 3 Benjamin Franklin Bither b: Nov 1869 in Ventura County, Saticoy township, California
....................... +Henrietta Bertha b: Jun 1879 in Michigan
............................. 4 Edgar R. Bither b: Apr 1896 in Santa Barbara County, California
............................. 4 Barbara Bither b: Aug 1898 in Santa Barbara County, California
................... 3 Minnie Bither b: 1873 in San Joaquin, California
........ 2 Major Tyler Bither b: 03 Jan 1831 in Bradford, Penobscot Co, ME d: 17 Jan 1906 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
............ +Sarah Jane Simmons b: Abt. 1834 in AR m: 25 Jul 1858 in CA d: in
................... 3 Nellie Bither b: in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA d: in
....................... +Jack Smith d: in
................... 3 Thaddeus Bither b: Abt. 1853 in CA d: in
................... 3 William Bither b: Abt. 1855 in CA d: in
................... 3 Horace D. Bither b: 1859 in Castoria, San Joaquin Co, CA d: 1859 in Castoria, San Joaquin Co, CA
................... 3 Benjamin Joseph Bither b: 21 Sep 1860 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: in
....................... +Ada Jane Bradley b: 17 Dec 1861 in Pacheco, Contra Costa Co, CA m: 27 Dec 1883 in Cottonwood District, Merced Co, CA d: 02 Feb 1921 in Berkeley, Alameda Co, CA
................... 3 Anna Marie Bither b: 1862 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: in
....................... +William N. Nichols
................... 3 James Dyer Bither b: 1864 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: in
................... 3 Susan S. "Suki" Bither b: 20 Dec 1866 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: 30 Dec 1955 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
....................... +William Lee Louis "Jack" Nordyke b: 16 Nov 1865 in MO m: 02 May 1886 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA d: 26 Dec 1940 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
............................. 4 Viola D. Nordyke b: 22 Aug 1886 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA d: 23 Dec 1947 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
................................. +Henry Felix West b: 01 Aug 1877 in CA m: 08 Apr 1905 in Marin Co, CA d: 30 Oct 1952 in Sonoma Co, CA
........................................ 5 "Child" West b: Aft. 1905 in Sonoma Co, CA d: Bef. 1910
........................................ 5 Harrison Duane "Dwayne" West b: 14 Mar 1920 in Solano Co, CA d: 22 Aug 1995 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
................... 3 Mary Eleanor "Ellen" Bither b: 1869 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: May 1949 in CA
....................... +John K. Smith
................... 3 John Tyler Bither b: 1872 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: 1885 in CA
................... 3 Major Tyler Bither b: 1874 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: 1888 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
........ 2 Joseph L. Bither b: 02 Aug 1833 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Sep 1894 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Mary A. Stewart b: Abt. 1836 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 11 Jul 1870 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Charles S. Bither b: 21 Sep 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 13 Feb 1907 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Mary A. Bither b: 11 Jul 1870 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1955
....................... +Harry R. Adams b: Abt. 1866 m: 19 Feb 1896 d: in
............................. 4 Hollis J. Adams b: 05 Mar 1897 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Fern Byron b: Abt. 1901 d: in
........ *2nd Wife of Joseph L. Bither:
............ +Harriet L. Green b: 20 Mar 1846 in Richmond, Carlton, New Brunswick m: Abt. 1874 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 08 Dec 1939 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Joseph B. Bither b: Abt. 1876 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Clarence E. Bither b: Abt. 1878 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 James M. Bither b: Abt. 1879 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Annie Bither b: 02 Oct 1834 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 24 Apr 1869 in Bradford, Penobscot Co, ME
............ +Bradford Marshall b: Abt. 1830 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 09 Nov 1854 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in ME
................... 3 George Marshall b: Abt. 1856 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Abt. 1863 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Clarence Marshall b: Abt. 1858 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Elbert P. Marshall b: Abt. 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Frank Marshall b: Abt. 1866 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Hiram Hall Bither b: 09 Aug 1836 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 07 Jun 1920 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
............ +Sophronia Felch b: 25 Oct 1830 in Of Elk River, Sherburne Co, MN m: 09 Feb 1862 in Elk River, Sherburne Co, MN d: 01 Oct 1870 in 7/25/1870
................... 3 Harry E. Bither b: 1863 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 1863 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
................... 3 Edwin Henry Bither b: 08 Mar 1864 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 19 Feb 1922 in Bovey, Itasca Co, MN
....................... +Alice Inez Myers b: 28 Aug 1868 in Warren, Jo Daviess Co, IL m: 16 Aug 1900 in Hampton, Franklin Co, IA d: 16 Aug 1900 in Hampton, Franklin Co, IA
................... 3 Susan Bither b: 1865 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: in
....................... +Chester Cadwallader b: Abt. 1861 in Of MN d: in
................... 3 William Arthur Bither b: 1867 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: in
....................... +Lydia L. "Liddie" Penney b: Abt. 1866 in Stacyville, Mitchell Co, IA m: 19 Jul 1894 in Stacyville, Mitchell Co, IA d: in
............................. 4 Luella Bither b: 17 Feb 1900 in Stacyville, Mitchell Co, IA d: Nov 1969 in Roseland, Cook Co, IL
................... 3 Sophronia Bither b: 1870 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 1870 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
........ *2nd Wife of Hiram Hall Bither:
............ +Harriet R. Felch b: 20 Oct 1817 in Limerick, York Co, ME m: 28 Mar 1871 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 10 Apr 1895 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
........ *3rd Wife of Hiram Hall Bither:
............ +Anna Forthun m: 05 Sep 1895 in Of Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
........ 2 James Franklin Bither b: 21 Jan 1838 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 24 Oct 1912 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Patience P. Green b: 03 Jul 1838 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 30 Jun 1859 in ME d: 01 Nov 1885 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Annie Rebecca Bither b: 01 Jan 1865 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 18 Aug 1927
................... 3 Lauretta Bither b: 05 May 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in ME
....................... +Melvin R. Jackins b: Jun 1864 in Of ME m: 05 May 1891 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Patience Jackins b: 26 Mar 1892 in ME d: in
............................. 4 James F. Jackins b: 06 Nov 1894 in ME d: Aug 1974 in Watertown, Middlesex Co, MA
............................. 4 Paul Jackins b: 06 Jul 1900 in ME d: in
................... 3 Horace G. Bither b: 25 Jan 1870 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 14 Dec 1942 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Annie E. Carr b: 26 Jan 1879 in River Dechute, New Brunswick m: 13 Dec 1899 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Helen Mary Bither b: 23 Jan 1901 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *2nd Wife of James Franklin Bither:
............ +Hattie E. Gove b: 11 Apr 1857 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: Aft. 1890 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 07 Dec 1903 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Harry Dean Bither b: 25 May 1891 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 06 May 1919
........ 2 Loretta S. Bither b: 24 Nov 1839 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............ +James H. Blethen b: Abt. 1835 in Of ME m: 25 Jul 1858 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Laurens H. Blethen b: Abt. 1859 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Edwin B. Blethen b: 10 Sep 1860 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Herman Frank Blethen b: 28 Mar 1862 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Jennie N. Blethen b: 21 Aug 1869 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1914 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Allen McQuarrie b: Aug 1864 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1943
............................. 4 Hallie Hugh McQuarrie b: 07 Aug 1891 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1970
................................. +Annie Boone b: 1896 in New Brunswick, Canada d: 1952
............................. 4 Curtis Allen McQuarrie b: 03 Apr 1893 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1965
................................. +Gladys F. Scott b: 1896 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 07 Apr 1915 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Nina Loretta McQuarrie b: Apr 1895 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 12 May 1922 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Otto Alward b: 06 Mar 1902 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 08 Nov 1919 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 27 May 1963
............................. 4 Byron Blethen McQuarrie b: 28 Sep 1898 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1971
................................. +Nancy A. London b: 1899 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 15 Oct 1919 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Parker Floyd McQuarrie b: 1901 d: 20 Apr 1961
................................. +Mina Lewis b: 1905 in Tiverton, Newport Co, RI d: 22 Apr 1986 in Litchfield, Hillsborough Co, NH
............................. *2nd Wife of Parker Floyd McQuarrie:
................................. +Mary Blackie d: in
............................. 4 Lawrence James McQuarrie b: 1905 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1955 in IL
................................. +Grace (McQuarrie)
............................. 4 Wrena Ida McQuarrie b: 11 Aug 1907 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: Apr 1981 in Westport, Bristol Co, MA
................................. +Roswell L. Thompson b: 29 Dec 1900 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME m: 14 Apr 1923 in ME d: Feb 1974 in Tiverton, Newport Co, RI
............................. 4 Robert Boyd McQuarrie b: 12 Jan 1909 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Dec 1985 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Blanche Benson b: 1910 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 11 Dec 1937 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1971
............................. 4 Frances Jennie McQuarrie b: 16 Jan 1911 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Oct 1984 in Smyrna Mills, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Nellie Alice McQuarrie b: 1913 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Byron Blethen b: 1872 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Della Maude Blethen b: 01 Jun 1876 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Vallie Mary Blethen b: 01 Jun 1876 in Of ME d: in
....................... +Raymond L. Young b: Abt. 1871 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: in ME d: in
............................. 4 Nella Young b: Abt. 1900 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Lauriston "Laures" Young b: 15 Mar 1900 in ME d: Mar 1970 in Bingham, Somerset Co, ME
........ 2 Mary Jane Bither b: 09 Nov 1841 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 16 May 1916 in Washington D.C.
............ +Edwin Chick Burleigh b: 27 Nov 1843 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 28 Jun 1863 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Clarence Blendon Burleigh b: 01 Nov 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Caroline Frances Burleigh b: 23 Jul 1866 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
....................... +Robert J. Martin b: 29 Jan 1865 in Of Pittsfield, Somerset Co, ME d: 10 Jan 1901
............................. 4 Robert Burleigh Martin b: 31 Mar 1889 in ME d: Apr 1976 in St. Albans, Somerset Co, ME
................... 3 Vallie Mary Burleigh b: 22 Jun 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
....................... +Joseph Williamson b: 14 Feb 1869 in Belfast, Waldo Co, ME m: in 11/10/1891 d: 30 Jul 1914 in Augusta, Kennebec Co, ME
............................. 4 Robert Byron Williamson b: 23 Aug 1899 in Of ME d: Dec 1976 in Togus, Kennebec Co, ME
................... 3 Lewis Albert Burleigh b: 24 Mar 1870 in Of ME d: in
....................... +"Caddie" Hall Brown b: Abt. 1874 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Lucy E. Burleigh b: 08 Feb 1874 in Of ME d: in
....................... +Byron R. Boyd b: Abt. 1865 in New Brunswick, Canada d: in
............................. 4 Dorothy Boyd b: Abt. 1896 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Robert Boyd b: Abt. 1898 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Mary Edwina Boyd b: Abt. 1900 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Richard Boyd b: Abt. 1902 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Etheline Hope Burleigh b: 09 Nov 1877 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 623.
Tyler Bither [Editor inserted: John Tyler Bither]
Tyler Bither is another of the worthy pioneers of California. He was born in Houlton, Aroostock County, Maine, June 15, 1828. His father, Benjamin Bither, was also a native of Maine, and his grandfather came from England to that State in an early day. Mr. Bither's mother, Anna (Tyler) Bither, was a native of Maine and of Dutch descent. The subject of this sketch remained in his native State until twenty-three years of age, when, in 1854, he came to California, and for twelve years was engaged in mining in Tuolumne County. He dug from $2.50 to $100 per day, and in one pan got six ounces of gold, which he sold for $102. When he quit mining he went to San Joaquin, took up Government land, which he improved, and ten years later sold it and located in San Luis Obispo County, remaining in that place one year. In 1877 he came to Ventura and, after renting land three years, purchased the farm of 100 acres on which he now resides. This he has improved, and his home is a comfortable and attractive one. Mr. Bither is devoting 400 acres to the cultivation of Lima beans and also small white beans, and is realizing from $30 to $80 per acre from his crops.
The subject of this sketch was married in 1852, to Miss Sarah J. Ward, who was born in Massachusetts in 1836. For thirty-eight years she has shared his joys and sorrows, and knows much of pioneer life. They have reared a family of seven children, all now living, viz.: Arthur A., born in Maine in 1853, resides in the San Joaquin Valley; Marion J., born in Tuolumne County, California, in 1861, is now the wife of J. M. Coffman, of Santa Barbara; Annie S., also born in Tuolumne County, now the wife of W. S. Newell, of Ventura; W. W. W., one of triplets, now a resident of Ventura, the other two having died a few hours after birth; B. F. and Minnie M., both born in San Joaquin; and S. J. Eva, born in Ventura in 1880.
Politically Mr. Bither was formerly a Douglas Democrat, but since the war has been a firm Republican. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge. His mother was a Freewill Baptist and his father a Universalist. Mrs. Bither was raised a Congregationalist.
Descendants of Benjamin Bither
1 Benjamin Bither b: 23 Sep 1792 in Limerick, York Co, ME d: 09 Feb 1871 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
.. +Annie Tyler b: 28 Jun 1797 in Hiram, Oxford Co, ME m: 19 Oct 1814 in Unity, Waldo Co, ME d: 14 Mar 1879 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 William D. Bither b: 17 Feb 1816 in Unity, Waldo Co, ME d: 24 Jul 1897 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Hannah H. Young b: Abt. 1819 in Charleston, Penobscot Co, ME m: 07 Jul 1839 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 10 Dec 1847 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Major W. Bither b: 14 May 1840 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 William H. Bither b: 29 Jan 1842 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Charles O. Bither b: 30 Jan 1844 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Rhoda Bither b: 21 Mar 1846 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Benjamin F. Bither b: 27 Nov 1847 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *2nd Wife of William D. Bither:
............ +Almira (Bither) m: Abt. 1849 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *3rd Wife of William D. Bither:
............ +Mary A. Robinson b: Abt. 1820 in Belfast, Ireland m: Bef. 1860 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 07 Jul 1885 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 Benjamin Bither b: 26 Jun 1817 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: in
............ +Mary (Bither) m: 16 Oct 1842 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 Josiah Libby Bither b: 21 Nov 1818 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Phineas L. Bither b: 03 Oct 1820 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: 21 Apr 1874 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Maria A. Porter b: 22 Aug 1827 in St. Mary, York, New Brunswick m: 12 May 1850 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 14 Nov 1916 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Eben Eber Kimball /Bither b: 28 Feb 1851 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1943 in Somis, Ventura Co, CA
....................... +Mary C. Buck b: 27 Dec 1851 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 08 Sep 1874 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Jan 1887 in Cottonwood District, Merced Co, CA
............................. 4 Vivian R. Bither b: 24 Oct 1875 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +John Franklin Runkle b: 16 Sep 1872 in Milroy, Mifflin Co, PA m: 15 Nov 1898 in Somis, Ventura Co, CA d: 27 Apr 1961
........................................ 5 Edgar V. Runkle b: Abt. 1899 in CA d: in
........................................ 5 John H. Runkle b: 31 Jan 1900 in CA d: 24 May 1998 in Swall Meadows, Inyo Co, CA
............................. 4 Miriam A. Bither b: 28 Aug 1878 in Merced, Merced Co, CA d: in
................................. +Henry Stork b: Abt. 1874 d: in
........................................ 5 Robert Stork b: Abt. 1900 d: in
........................................ 5 Louis Stork b: Abt. 1902 d: in
............................. 4 Harry L. Bither b: 05 May 1881 in Merced, Merced Co, CA d: in
................................. +Nettie Elizabeth Williams b: 03 Aug 1884 m: 30 Jun 1909 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co, CA d: in
............................. 4 Hartley S. Bither b: 17 Apr 1884 in Merced, Merced Co, CA d: Feb 1982 in Ojai, Ventura Co, CA
................................. +Ruth Miller b: 12 Jan 1891 in Of CA m: 22 Sep 1910 d: Jun 1982 in Ojai, Ventura Co, CA
................... 3 Herbert Orville Bither b: 09 Dec 1852 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Apr 1932 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Mary J. Stewart b: 01 Apr 1858 in Miramichi, Northumberland, New Brunswick m: Abt. 1882 d: 19 Nov 1926 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Amos Henry Bither b: 11 Jun 1883 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Mary Gardiner b: Abt. 1887 d: in
............................. *2nd Wife of Amos Henry Bither:
................................. +Laura Mary Adams b: 1898 d: 1981
........................................ 5 Herbert Lloyd Bither b: 02 Sep 1926 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 02 Apr 1998 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................................ +Dorothy Mae Malone b: 29 Apr 1929 in Haynesville, Aroostook Co, ME m: 25 Nov 1948 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 28 Aug 1985 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Byron A. Bither b: 04 May 1890 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Maud E. Tuck b: 14 Jun 1894 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: Abt. 29 Nov 1911 in ME d: 17 Feb 1916 in ME
............................. *2nd Wife of Byron A. Bither:
................................. +Ruth (Bither) b: Abt. 1896 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME m: 14 Nov 1917 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........................................ 5 Forest Eugene Bither b: 02 Mar 1923 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 31 Jan 1934 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Etta A.C. Bither b: 06 Jun 1855 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Dec 1894 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Albion A. Stewart b: Abt. 1851 in Of Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 07 Jan 1877 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Waldo Stewart b: Abt. 1878 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Hartley Stewart b: Abt. 1879 d: in
................... 3 Hartley A. Bither b: 03 Dec 1857 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 16 Mar 1906 in Berkeley, Alameda Co, CA
....................... +Lucy Ellen Eachus b: 18 Feb 1866 in Newman, Stanislaus Co, CA m: 28 Feb 1892 d: in
............................. 4 Geneva Elizabeth Bither b: 28 Jun 1894 in Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co, CA d: in
............................. 4 Foster Orville Bither b: 07 Jul 1898 in Newman, Stanislaus Co, CA d: in
............................. 4 Gladys Alva Bither b: 13 Oct 1901 in Porterville, Tulare Co, CA d: in
................... 3 Artimecia "Arlene" Laura Bither b: 06 Nov 1862 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1955
....................... +John H. Hyers b: Abt. 1858 d: in
................... 3 Serena Edith "Eda" Bither b: 30 Oct 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1938
....................... +Harrison "Harry" William Wilson b: 04 Apr 1864 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 30 Apr 1884 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 17 Jul 1927 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Rubenia "Ruby" M. Wilson b: 1883 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1964 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Abijah G. Inghram b: Abt. 1873 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 22 Apr 1903 d: 1932 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. *2nd Husband of Rubenia "Ruby" M. Wilson:
................................. +"Unk" Young m: Aft. 1932 d: in
............................. 4 Iris Bernice Wilson b: 15 Jul 1891 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 18 Dec 1966
................................. +Clarence Dwight Currier b: 11 Aug 1889 in Littleton, Aroostook Co, ME m: 22 Apr 1919 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 10 Aug 1977
............................. 4 "Infant" Wilson b: 19 Mar 1893 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Mar 1893 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Robert Almon Wilson b: 13 Mar 1894 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Sep 1976 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Flora Mary Hunter b: 21 Oct 1894 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: Abt. 1817 d: Oct 1979
........................................ 5 Madeline Lucille Wilson b: 19 Apr 1918 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 12 Jul 1997 in Ellington, Tolland Co, CT
........................................ 5 Lawrence Almon Wilson b: 27 Mar 1919 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 25 Mar 1988 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
............................................ +Marion T. Welton b: 10 May 1917 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 12 Aug 2001 in Providence, Providence Co, RI
........................................ 5 Evelyn Corneila Wilson b: 01 Mar 1922 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 23 May 1997 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................................ +"Unk" Simpson
.................................................. 6 Gerry R. Simpson b: Abt. 1942 d: Bef. 23 May 1997
............................. 4 Ralph Waldo Wilson b: 04 Aug 1901 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Sep 1974 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Edna Dickerson b: 1902 in Canterbury, New Brunswick d: 1961 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Dora Alyce Alice /Bither b: 25 Aug 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Jan 1928
....................... +Lincoln J. Bubar b: 11 Nov 1865 in Blaine, Aroostook Co, ME m: 04 Jun 1890 d: in
............................. 4 Hammond Bubar b: Abt. 1891 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Joan (Vallee) Bubar b: Abt. 1893 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Ethel Bubar b: 20 Sep 1895 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Isa Bubar b: 08 Apr 1897 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Louis H. Bubar b: 05 May 1899 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Phineas L. Bither b: 08 Dec 1874 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 26 May 1876 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........ 2 Eunice Strout Bither b: 13 Jul 1822 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: 08 Jan 1893 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Isaac Sawyer b: Abt. 1812 in New Brunswick, Canada m: 01 May 1839 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 22 Apr 1847 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Orville Leonard Sawyer b: 22 Aug 1841 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 01 Oct 1925 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Mary L. Warner b: Abt. 1844 in Of Hogdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 31 Aug 1864 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... *2nd Wife of Orville Leonard Sawyer:
....................... +Nancy J. Sterrett b: 06 Jun 1845 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 01 Oct 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 17 Nov 1920 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Laura L. Sawyer b: 25 Oct 1881 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Aft. Jan 1898
................................. +Garfield Burton b: 1880 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 30 Jan 1907 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *2nd Husband of Eunice Strout Bither:
............ +Daniel Buck m: Aft. 1850 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Rhoda Libby Bither b: 17 Jan 1824 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME d: 19 Feb 1911 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Michael Carroll b: Abt. 1820 in Freedom, Waldo Co, ME m: 11 May 1859 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Isaac Strout Bither b: 19 Mar 1826 in Bradford, Penobscot Co, ME d: 23 Jun 1896 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Eveline Young b: Sep 1828 m: 12 Jul 1851 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Jun 1888 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Fred L. Bither b: 12 Jul 1853 in Aroostook Co, ME d: 1910 in CA
....................... +Caroline "Callie" Nowdesha b: 16 Dec 1857 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA m: 21 Apr 1878 in CA d: in
............................. 4 Robert V. Bither b: 10 Mar 1880 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: in CA
................................. +Amelia Foster b: 30 Sep 1889 m: Nov 1910 d: in
............................. 4 William Bither b: 27 May 1883 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 03 Mar 1898 in CA
................... 3 Lawrence H. Bither b: 19 Aug 1855 in Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Jun 1917 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
....................... +Peachie Swope b: 09 Jan 1859 in Pleasant Hill, Cass Co, MO m: 13 Apr 1879 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 08 Dec 1930 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
............................. 4 "Infant" Bither b: 26 Feb 1880 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 26 Feb 1880 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
............................. 4 Clara Bither b: 14 Jun 1881 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 31 Dec 1948 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA
................................. +Frederick Isbell b: 14 Jun 1880 in Biggs, Butte Co, CA m: 14 Jun 1909 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA d: 24 May 1951 in San Francisco, San Francisco Co, CA
........................................ 5 Lawrence F. Isbell b: 21 Apr 1911 in CA d: 16 Dec 1977 in Los Altos, Santa Clara Co, CA
............................. 4 Elmer Lawrence Bither b: 13 Aug 1889 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA d: 17 Jul 1913 in Ukiah, Mendocino Co, CA
................... 3 Preston P. Bither b: 02 Apr 1857 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 29 May 1934 in Colfax, Whitman Co, WA
....................... +Isa Bubar b: Abt. 1862 in Of ME m: 1881 in CA d: in Denver, Denver Co, CO
............................. 4 Henry G. Bither b: 10 Apr 1882 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1950 in Colorado Springs, El Paso Co, CO
................................. +Ada May Brown b: Abt. 1885 m: 26 Feb 1906 in Patten, Penobscot Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Byron Earl Bither b: 27 Dec 1883 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 22 Oct 1949 in Dexter, Penobscot Co, ME
................................. +Ethel Eugene Hoxie b: 25 Jun 1887 in Of Augusta, Kennebec Co, ME m: Abt. 1910 d: Jun 1971 in Pinewood, Chittended Co, VT
............................. 4 Lawrence Hammond Bither b: 03 May 1888 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1924 in MA
................... 3 Willis Holman Bither b: 26 Feb 1859 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 27 Nov 1912 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Sarah Christiana Alexander b: 02 May 1861 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: in ME d: 15 Aug 1936 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Vera Mary Bither b: 17 Nov 1883 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 01 Nov 1928 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Albert Rufus Young b: Abt. 1879 d: in
............................. 4 Fred Alexander Bither b: 05 Aug 1885 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Maud J. Rhoda b: 19 Jul 1885 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 18 Sep 1912 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: 06 Oct 1914 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
........................................ 5 Cecil Woodrow Bither b: 06 Oct 1914 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: 19 Sep 1915 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. *2nd Wife of Fred Alexander Bither:
................................. +Gertrude "Mary" Moir b: 19 Aug 1894 in Blaine, Aroostook Co, ME m: 29 Nov 1916 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 22 May 1951 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Maurice Hartley Bither b: 25 Dec 1887 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Aug 1967 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Beryl Lillian Stewart b: 27 Oct 1889 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 24 Dec 1908 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Mar 1973 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Ada Evelyn Bither b: 31 Jan 1893 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Willis Irban Bither b: 27 Oct 1895 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Mollie A. Farrar b: 29 May 1890 in Aston, Delaware Co, PA m: 06 Dec 1914 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: 16 May 1919 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Cora "Annie" Bither b: 24 Jan 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Joseph Perry
............................. 4 Willa Perry b: Abt. 1886 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... *2nd Husband of Cora "Annie" Bither:
....................... +Justin Justus Emerson /Packard b: 24 May 1858 in Manchester, Kennebec Co, ME m: Abt. 1884 in ME d: in
................... 3 Myra Mina E. /Bither b: 10 Feb 1872 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +George Halliburton Avery b: 15 Apr 1869 in Lubec, Washington Co, ME m: 27 Jan 1898 in Lubec, Washington Co, ME d: 05 Jan 1947 in Lubec, Washington Co, ME
............................. 4 Myron H. Avery b: 03 Nov 1899 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Evelyn Avery b: 1901 in ME d: in
........ 2 John Tyler Bither b: 15 Jun 1828 in Houlton, Aroostock County, Maine d: 17 Jan 1906 in Santa Rosa, CA
............ +Sarah Ward b: 1836 in Massachusetts m: 15 Sep 1852 in Maine d: in
................... 3 S. J. Eva Bither b: 1880 in Ventura County, Saticoy township, California d: 1952 in Santa Barbara, Ca
....................... +John Linnington Moyer b: 29 Dec 1876 in Quincy , Illinois d: 1969 in Los Angeles
............................. 4 Paul Raymond Moyer b: 21 Feb 1898 in Santa Barbara, CA d: Feb 1986 in Woodland Hills, CA
................................. +Catherine Foote b: 27 Jan 1898 in Fresno, CA
........................................ 5 Paula Barbara Moyer b: in Los Angeles CA d: in Huntington Beach, CA
............................................ +Francis Robert Ryan b: in Chicago, IL m: in St Brenden's Church, Los Angeles, CA.
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Susan Elizabeth Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
...................................................... +Living Brown
............................................................. 7 Living Brown
............................................................. 7 Living Brown
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Living Ryan
.................................................. 6 Loretta Diane Ryan b: 09 Aug 1958 in Burbank, Ca d: 30 Oct 1992 in San Diego, CA
................... 3 Arthur A. Bither b: 1853 in Maine d: in California
................... 3 Marian Juliette Bither b: 16 May 1861 in Tuolumne County, California d: 22 Aug 1945 in San Luis Obispo Co., California
....................... +Jesse Monroe Coffman b: 20 Jan 1849 in Illinois m: Abt. 1877 d: 15 Oct 1919 in Ventura County, California
............................. 4 Effie Coffman b: 28 Dec 1879 in , , California d: 13 Jan 1942 in , Santa Barbara Co., California
................................. +Barrett
............................. 4 Clara Coffman b: 09 Jul 1881 in , , California d: 26 Jan 1959 in San Francisco, , California
................................. +Pehrson
............................. 4 Annie L. Coffman b: Oct 1883 in , , California
............................. 4 Frank W. Coffman b: 03 Nov 1885 in , , California d: 02 Apr 1956 in , Ventura Co., California
............................. 4 Clarence E. Coffman b: 13 Nov 1887 in , , California d: 02 Oct 1961 in , Ventura Co., California
............................. 4 Cora M. Coffman b: 30 May 1891 in , , California d: 22 Nov 1967 in , Santa Barbara Co., California
................................. +Walker
........................................ 5 Living Walker
........................................ 5 Living Walker
............................. 4 D. E. Coffman b: May 1893 in , , California
............................. 4 Edna V. Coffman b: Jul 1895 in , , California
............................. 4 Esther L. Coffman b: 02 May 1898 in , , California d: 05 Mar 1961 in , Santa Barbara Co., California
................................. +Carl R. Schrouder
........................................ 5 Living Schrouder
............................. 4 Bernice Lillian Coffman b: 17 Dec 1901 in , , California d: 30 Dec 1984 in , Alameda Co., California
................................. +Dillon
................... 3 Annie S. Bither b: 1863 in Tuolumne County, California d: in California
....................... +Winfield Scott Newell b: 1855 in Iowa d: in California
............................. 4 George S. Newell b: 1887 in California
............................. 4 Arthur LeRoy Newell b: 1891 in California
............................. 4 Lucy Newell b: 1895 in California
............................. 4 William L. Newell b: 1893 in California
............................. 4 Frank Newell b: 1902 in California
............................. 4 Mabel M. Newell b: 1905 in California
................... 3 William Wildora (Triplet) Bither b: 1867 in Tuolumne County, California
....................... +Lucy Spitler b: 1873 in Kansas m: 09 Apr 1892
............................. 4 Lawrence Bither b: 1894 in Stanislaus County, California
............................. 4 Linnie Bither b: 1900 in Stanislaus County, California
............................. 4 Earl Bither b: 1908 in Stanislaus County, California
................... 3 Baby Triplet Bither b: 1867 in Tuolumne County, California d: in Hours after birth
................... 3 Baby Triplet Bither b: 1867 in Tuolumne County, California d: in Hours after birth
................... 3 Benjamin Franklin Bither b: Nov 1869 in Ventura County, Saticoy township, California
....................... +Henrietta Bertha b: Jun 1879 in Michigan
............................. 4 Edgar R. Bither b: Apr 1896 in Santa Barbara County, California
............................. 4 Barbara Bither b: Aug 1898 in Santa Barbara County, California
................... 3 Minnie Bither b: 1873 in San Joaquin, California
........ 2 Major Tyler Bither b: 03 Jan 1831 in Bradford, Penobscot Co, ME d: 17 Jan 1906 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
............ +Sarah Jane Simmons b: Abt. 1834 in AR m: 25 Jul 1858 in CA d: in
................... 3 Nellie Bither b: in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA d: in
....................... +Jack Smith d: in
................... 3 Thaddeus Bither b: Abt. 1853 in CA d: in
................... 3 William Bither b: Abt. 1855 in CA d: in
................... 3 Horace D. Bither b: 1859 in Castoria, San Joaquin Co, CA d: 1859 in Castoria, San Joaquin Co, CA
................... 3 Benjamin Joseph Bither b: 21 Sep 1860 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: in
....................... +Ada Jane Bradley b: 17 Dec 1861 in Pacheco, Contra Costa Co, CA m: 27 Dec 1883 in Cottonwood District, Merced Co, CA d: 02 Feb 1921 in Berkeley, Alameda Co, CA
................... 3 Anna Marie Bither b: 1862 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: in
....................... +William N. Nichols
................... 3 James Dyer Bither b: 1864 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: in
................... 3 Susan S. "Suki" Bither b: 20 Dec 1866 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: 30 Dec 1955 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
....................... +William Lee Louis "Jack" Nordyke b: 16 Nov 1865 in MO m: 02 May 1886 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA d: 26 Dec 1940 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
............................. 4 Viola D. Nordyke b: 22 Aug 1886 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA d: 23 Dec 1947 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
................................. +Henry Felix West b: 01 Aug 1877 in CA m: 08 Apr 1905 in Marin Co, CA d: 30 Oct 1952 in Sonoma Co, CA
........................................ 5 "Child" West b: Aft. 1905 in Sonoma Co, CA d: Bef. 1910
........................................ 5 Harrison Duane "Dwayne" West b: 14 Mar 1920 in Solano Co, CA d: 22 Aug 1995 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
................... 3 Mary Eleanor "Ellen" Bither b: 1869 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: May 1949 in CA
....................... +John K. Smith
................... 3 John Tyler Bither b: 1872 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: 1885 in CA
................... 3 Major Tyler Bither b: 1874 in Stevens Bar, Tuolumne Co, CA d: 1888 in Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co, CA
........ 2 Joseph L. Bither b: 02 Aug 1833 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 09 Sep 1894 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Mary A. Stewart b: Abt. 1836 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 11 Jul 1870 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Charles S. Bither b: 21 Sep 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 13 Feb 1907 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Mary A. Bither b: 11 Jul 1870 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1955
....................... +Harry R. Adams b: Abt. 1866 m: 19 Feb 1896 d: in
............................. 4 Hollis J. Adams b: 05 Mar 1897 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................................. +Fern Byron b: Abt. 1901 d: in
........ *2nd Wife of Joseph L. Bither:
............ +Harriet L. Green b: 20 Mar 1846 in Richmond, Carlton, New Brunswick m: Abt. 1874 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 08 Dec 1939 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Joseph B. Bither b: Abt. 1876 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Clarence E. Bither b: Abt. 1878 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 James M. Bither b: Abt. 1879 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Annie Bither b: 02 Oct 1834 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 24 Apr 1869 in Bradford, Penobscot Co, ME
............ +Bradford Marshall b: Abt. 1830 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 09 Nov 1854 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in ME
................... 3 George Marshall b: Abt. 1856 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: Abt. 1863 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Clarence Marshall b: Abt. 1858 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Elbert P. Marshall b: Abt. 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Frank Marshall b: Abt. 1866 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ 2 Hiram Hall Bither b: 09 Aug 1836 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 07 Jun 1920 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
............ +Sophronia Felch b: 25 Oct 1830 in Of Elk River, Sherburne Co, MN m: 09 Feb 1862 in Elk River, Sherburne Co, MN d: 01 Oct 1870 in 7/25/1870
................... 3 Harry E. Bither b: 1863 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 1863 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
................... 3 Edwin Henry Bither b: 08 Mar 1864 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 19 Feb 1922 in Bovey, Itasca Co, MN
....................... +Alice Inez Myers b: 28 Aug 1868 in Warren, Jo Daviess Co, IL m: 16 Aug 1900 in Hampton, Franklin Co, IA d: 16 Aug 1900 in Hampton, Franklin Co, IA
................... 3 Susan Bither b: 1865 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: in
....................... +Chester Cadwallader b: Abt. 1861 in Of MN d: in
................... 3 William Arthur Bither b: 1867 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: in
....................... +Lydia L. "Liddie" Penney b: Abt. 1866 in Stacyville, Mitchell Co, IA m: 19 Jul 1894 in Stacyville, Mitchell Co, IA d: in
............................. 4 Luella Bither b: 17 Feb 1900 in Stacyville, Mitchell Co, IA d: Nov 1969 in Roseland, Cook Co, IL
................... 3 Sophronia Bither b: 1870 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 1870 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
........ *2nd Wife of Hiram Hall Bither:
............ +Harriet R. Felch b: 20 Oct 1817 in Limerick, York Co, ME m: 28 Mar 1871 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN d: 10 Apr 1895 in Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
........ *3rd Wife of Hiram Hall Bither:
............ +Anna Forthun m: 05 Sep 1895 in Of Le Roy, Mower Co, MN
........ 2 James Franklin Bither b: 21 Jan 1838 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 24 Oct 1912 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
............ +Patience P. Green b: 03 Jul 1838 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 30 Jun 1859 in ME d: 01 Nov 1885 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Annie Rebecca Bither b: 01 Jan 1865 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 18 Aug 1927
................... 3 Lauretta Bither b: 05 May 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in ME
....................... +Melvin R. Jackins b: Jun 1864 in Of ME m: 05 May 1891 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Patience Jackins b: 26 Mar 1892 in ME d: in
............................. 4 James F. Jackins b: 06 Nov 1894 in ME d: Aug 1974 in Watertown, Middlesex Co, MA
............................. 4 Paul Jackins b: 06 Jul 1900 in ME d: in
................... 3 Horace G. Bither b: 25 Jan 1870 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 14 Dec 1942 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Annie E. Carr b: 26 Jan 1879 in River Dechute, New Brunswick m: 13 Dec 1899 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............................. 4 Helen Mary Bither b: 23 Jan 1901 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
........ *2nd Wife of James Franklin Bither:
............ +Hattie E. Gove b: 11 Apr 1857 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: Aft. 1890 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 07 Dec 1903 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................... 3 Harry Dean Bither b: 25 May 1891 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 06 May 1919
........ 2 Loretta S. Bither b: 24 Nov 1839 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
............ +James H. Blethen b: Abt. 1835 in Of ME m: 25 Jul 1858 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Laurens H. Blethen b: Abt. 1859 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Edwin B. Blethen b: 10 Sep 1860 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Herman Frank Blethen b: 28 Mar 1862 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Jennie N. Blethen b: 21 Aug 1869 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1914 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME
....................... +Allen McQuarrie b: Aug 1864 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1943
............................. 4 Hallie Hugh McQuarrie b: 07 Aug 1891 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1970
................................. +Annie Boone b: 1896 in New Brunswick, Canada d: 1952
............................. 4 Curtis Allen McQuarrie b: 03 Apr 1893 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1965
................................. +Gladys F. Scott b: 1896 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 07 Apr 1915 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Nina Loretta McQuarrie b: Apr 1895 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 12 May 1922 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Otto Alward b: 06 Mar 1902 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 08 Nov 1919 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 27 May 1963
............................. 4 Byron Blethen McQuarrie b: 28 Sep 1898 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1971
................................. +Nancy A. London b: 1899 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 15 Oct 1919 in ME d: in
............................. 4 Parker Floyd McQuarrie b: 1901 d: 20 Apr 1961
................................. +Mina Lewis b: 1905 in Tiverton, Newport Co, RI d: 22 Apr 1986 in Litchfield, Hillsborough Co, NH
............................. *2nd Wife of Parker Floyd McQuarrie:
................................. +Mary Blackie d: in
............................. 4 Lawrence James McQuarrie b: 1905 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1955 in IL
................................. +Grace (McQuarrie)
............................. 4 Wrena Ida McQuarrie b: 11 Aug 1907 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME d: Apr 1981 in Westport, Bristol Co, MA
................................. +Roswell L. Thompson b: 29 Dec 1900 in Of Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME m: 14 Apr 1923 in ME d: Feb 1974 in Tiverton, Newport Co, RI
............................. 4 Robert Boyd McQuarrie b: 12 Jan 1909 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Dec 1985 in Houlton, Aroostook Co, ME
................................. +Blanche Benson b: 1910 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME m: 11 Dec 1937 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: 1971
............................. 4 Frances Jennie McQuarrie b: 16 Jan 1911 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: Oct 1984 in Smyrna Mills, Aroostook Co, ME
............................. 4 Nellie Alice McQuarrie b: 1913 in Hodgdon, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Byron Blethen b: 1872 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Della Maude Blethen b: 01 Jun 1876 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Vallie Mary Blethen b: 01 Jun 1876 in Of ME d: in
....................... +Raymond L. Young b: Abt. 1871 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: in ME d: in
............................. 4 Nella Young b: Abt. 1900 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Lauriston "Laures" Young b: 15 Mar 1900 in ME d: Mar 1970 in Bingham, Somerset Co, ME
........ 2 Mary Jane Bither b: 09 Nov 1841 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: 16 May 1916 in Washington D.C.
............ +Edwin Chick Burleigh b: 27 Nov 1843 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME m: 28 Jun 1863 in Of Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Clarence Blendon Burleigh b: 01 Nov 1864 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
................... 3 Caroline Frances Burleigh b: 23 Jul 1866 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
....................... +Robert J. Martin b: 29 Jan 1865 in Of Pittsfield, Somerset Co, ME d: 10 Jan 1901
............................. 4 Robert Burleigh Martin b: 31 Mar 1889 in ME d: Apr 1976 in St. Albans, Somerset Co, ME
................... 3 Vallie Mary Burleigh b: 22 Jun 1868 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME d: in
....................... +Joseph Williamson b: 14 Feb 1869 in Belfast, Waldo Co, ME m: in 11/10/1891 d: 30 Jul 1914 in Augusta, Kennebec Co, ME
............................. 4 Robert Byron Williamson b: 23 Aug 1899 in Of ME d: Dec 1976 in Togus, Kennebec Co, ME
................... 3 Lewis Albert Burleigh b: 24 Mar 1870 in Of ME d: in
....................... +"Caddie" Hall Brown b: Abt. 1874 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Lucy E. Burleigh b: 08 Feb 1874 in Of ME d: in
....................... +Byron R. Boyd b: Abt. 1865 in New Brunswick, Canada d: in
............................. 4 Dorothy Boyd b: Abt. 1896 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Robert Boyd b: Abt. 1898 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Mary Edwina Boyd b: Abt. 1900 in Of ME d: in
............................. 4 Richard Boyd b: Abt. 1902 in Of ME d: in
................... 3 Etheline Hope Burleigh b: 09 Nov 1877 in Linneus, Aroostook Co, ME
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
Republican Politics,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Genealogy
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 576.
H. G. Bennison [Editor inserted: Henry Graham Bennison]
H. G. Bennison, one of the business men of Santa Paula, was born in Memphis, Missouri, September 1, 1858. His father, Henry Bennison, was born in England, in 1826, and came to America in 1846. He entered the regular army of the United States, fought through the Mexican War; was then sent to Florida to fight the Indians; and also served all through the late war. Mr. Bennison's mother was nee Miss Agnes Perry, a native of Michigan. They had two children, the subject of this sketch being the first born. At twenty years of age he went to learn the blacksmith's trade in Galesburg, Illinois, in 1878. He opened a shop in Galesburg, which he conducted for several years. He sold out and came to Santa Paula, California, in 1884, and bought his present shop on Main street, where he is doing an extensive business for the size of the town. Three men are employed in the shop besides himself, and they do blacksmithing and carriage work. Since coming to California, Mr. Bennison has purchased forty acres of land, located about two miles east of Santa Paula, which he has improved and on which he has built a neat residence. With the exception of a fine orchard of a variety of fruits, the whole place is devoted to French prunes and English walnuts. The neat way in which the property is kept shows th thrift and enterprise of the owner.
Mr. Bennison was united in marriage, in 1885, to Miss Eda Olmstead, a native of California, born in 1867. They have one daughter, Eda B., born in Santa Paula, December 22, 1887. Mr. Bennison is a Republican, and a worthy member of the I. O. O. F
Descendants of Henry Bennison
1 Henry Bennison b: 1826 in England d: 1892 in Ventura County, California
.. +Agnes Perry
........ 2 Henry Graham Bennison b: 01 Sep 1858 in Memphis, Missouri d: 01 Jul 1943 in Ventura County, California
............ +Edith E. Olmsted b: 1867 in California m: 1885 in California d: 1951 in California
................... 3 Eda B. Bennison b: 22 Dec 1887 in California
................... 3 Arnold D. Bennison b: 1898 in California
........ 2 Mary Bennison
............ +John Wood m: 1882 in Knox, Illinois
*2nd Wife of Henry Bennison:
.. +Sarah M. Burton b: 1833 in Goshen, Clermont Co., Ohio m: 1866 in Knox Co., Illinois d: 1901 in Santa Paula, California
........ 2 Cora Belle Bennison b: 19 Dec 1868 in Illinois d: 19 Dec 1935 in Fairfield, Iowa
............ +Jacob Ollany Miller b: 03 Nov 1867 in Iowa m: 04 Apr 1889 in Keokuk, Iowa d: 31 Oct 1940 in Van Buren County, Iowa
................... 3 Mary Neva Miller b: 14 May 1900 in Martinsburg, Iowa d: 17 Jan 1997 in Coralville, Iowa
....................... +Raphael Earlston Smith b: 19 Jun 1895 in Abingdon, Ia m: 17 Jan 1918 in Ottumwa, Iowa d: 23 Mar 1982 in Douds, Ia.
............................. 4 Gerald Roy Smith b: 10 Feb 1925
................................. +Sommer
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Son Smith
........................................ 5 Son Smith
........................................ 5 Son Smith
............................. *2nd Wife of Gerald Roy Smith:
................................. +Holton
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
............................. *3rd Wife of Gerald Roy Smith:
................................. +Twyla Ramona Welch b: 02 Mar 1929 in What Cheer, Iowa m: 23 Dec 1946 in Fairfield, Iowa
........................................ 5 Living Smith
........................................ 5 Jane E. Smith
............................. 4 Donald Smith b: 1929
................... 3 Ralph Ollany Miller b: 10 Mar 1890 in Keokuk, Iowa d: 20 Oct 1974 in Hedrick, Iowa
....................... +Carrie Eva Denny
................... *2nd Wife of Ralph Ollany Miller:
....................... +Sarah Harriet Day b: 13 Nov 1894 in Keokuk, Iowa m: 02 Oct 1914 in Roswell, New Mexico d: 13 Oct 1924 in Highland Center, Iowa
............................. 4 David Keith Miller
................................. +Virginia Mae Baines b: 14 Apr 1929 in Suffolk, Virginia d: 01 Aug 1960 in Tachikawa Ab, Japan
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
............................. *2nd Wife of David Keith Miller:
................................. +Irma Gertrude Shepard
............................. 4 Robert Jake Miller
................................. +Eva Lucille Brooks b: 20 May 1928 d: 28 Sep 1983
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
........................................ 5 Son Miller
............................. 4 Cora Ellen Miller
................................. +Jack Lloyd Raymond b: 26 Aug 1917 d: 01 Mar 1997 in Fairfield, Iowa
........................................ 5 Daughter Raymond
........................................ 5 Son Raymond
........................................ 5 Son Raymond
............................. 4 Cecil Ralph Miller b: 06 Aug 1915 in Jefferson, Iowa d: 22 Oct 1984 in Van Buren, Iowa
................................. +Margaret Irene Mellott b: 30 May 1921 in Iowa m: 22 Oct 1935 in Fairfield, Iowa d: 28 Apr 1992 in Van Buren, Iowa
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Esther May Miller b: 19 Oct 1916 in Batavia, Iowa d: 31 Dec 1973 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
................................. +Ralph Lavelle Van Skiver b: 29 Sep 1911 in Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio m: 26 Oct 1936 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona d: 18 Nov 1983 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
........................................ 5 Ronald Van Skiver b: 10 May 1955 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona d: 16 Jul 1974 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
................... 3 Charles Edward Miller b: 09 Oct 1891 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Mar 1973 in Iowa
....................... +Ollie
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Edna B. Miller b: 1919 in North Batavia, Jefferson, Iowa d: 29 Mar 1996 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
................................. +Charlie Longerbone b: 14 Dec 1914 in Packwood, Jefferson, Iowa m: 1938 d: 07 Mar 1975 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
........................................ 5 Daughter Longerbone
........................................ 5 Son Longerbone
................... 3 Elsie Mae Miller b: 03 Nov 1893 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Sep 1972 in Iowa
....................... +Chester B. Day b: 23 Aug 1890 in Keokuk, Iowa m: 06 Oct 1912 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Abt. 1955
............................. 4 Everett Lee Day
................................. +Mildred Jean Courtney
............................. *2nd Wife of Everett Lee Day:
................................. +Welch
........................................ 5 Arnold Eugene Day b: 10 Jan 1947 d: 16 Nov 1975 in Illinois
............................................ +Ross
.................................................. 6 Daughter Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Daughter Day
........................................ 5 Daughter Day
................... 3 Harlan Joseph Miller b: 09 Jan 1896 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Jan 1970 in Iowa
....................... +Eunice
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Son ? Miller
................... 3 Floyd Miller b: Jan 1896 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Sep 1896 in Iowa
................... 3 Rillie Pearl Miller b: 21 Apr 1898 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Apr 1987 in California
....................... +Harold Leo Dacy b: 05 Apr 1898 in Aledo, Mercer, Illinois d: 21 Feb 1972 in San Diego, San Diego, California
............................. 4 Daughter Dacy
............................. 4 Son Dacy
............................. 4 Margaret Dacy b: 1916
................................. +Unknown Wiley
................... 3 Alice Irene Miller b: 10 Jan 1903 in Keokuk, Iowa d: 26 Oct 1989 in Show Low, Arizona
....................... +Ernest Roscoe Mitchell b: 19 Sep 1901 in Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa m: 18 Oct 1922 in Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa d: 03 Mar 1967 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
............................. 4 Leonard B. Mitchell b: 1924
................................. +Irene M Phillips
........................................ 5 Son Mitchell
........................................ 5 Daughter Mitchell
........................................ 5 Son Mitchell
............................. 4 Eleanor L Mitchell b: 1926
................................. +Ira Clifford Wicker b: 22 Aug 1924 in Chamberino, Dona Ana, New Mexico d: 20 Apr 1956 in San Ysidro, San Diego, California
........................................ 5 Daughter Wicker
........................................ 5 Daughter Wicker
........ 2 Frank C. Bennison b: 1867 in Illinois d: Abt. 1935
............ +Lizzie b: Mar 1864 in Illinois
................... 3 Cora Bennison b: Mar 1896 in Illinois
........ 2 Adelbert Bennison b: 1871 in Illinois
........ 2 Harry Bennison b: 1877 in Illinois
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
"A Memorial and Biographical History of the Counties of Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura, California" (1891), page 576.
H. G. Bennison [Editor inserted: Henry Graham Bennison]
H. G. Bennison, one of the business men of Santa Paula, was born in Memphis, Missouri, September 1, 1858. His father, Henry Bennison, was born in England, in 1826, and came to America in 1846. He entered the regular army of the United States, fought through the Mexican War; was then sent to Florida to fight the Indians; and also served all through the late war. Mr. Bennison's mother was nee Miss Agnes Perry, a native of Michigan. They had two children, the subject of this sketch being the first born. At twenty years of age he went to learn the blacksmith's trade in Galesburg, Illinois, in 1878. He opened a shop in Galesburg, which he conducted for several years. He sold out and came to Santa Paula, California, in 1884, and bought his present shop on Main street, where he is doing an extensive business for the size of the town. Three men are employed in the shop besides himself, and they do blacksmithing and carriage work. Since coming to California, Mr. Bennison has purchased forty acres of land, located about two miles east of Santa Paula, which he has improved and on which he has built a neat residence. With the exception of a fine orchard of a variety of fruits, the whole place is devoted to French prunes and English walnuts. The neat way in which the property is kept shows th thrift and enterprise of the owner.
Mr. Bennison was united in marriage, in 1885, to Miss Eda Olmstead, a native of California, born in 1867. They have one daughter, Eda B., born in Santa Paula, December 22, 1887. Mr. Bennison is a Republican, and a worthy member of the I. O. O. F
Descendants of Henry Bennison
1 Henry Bennison b: 1826 in England d: 1892 in Ventura County, California
.. +Agnes Perry
........ 2 Henry Graham Bennison b: 01 Sep 1858 in Memphis, Missouri d: 01 Jul 1943 in Ventura County, California
............ +Edith E. Olmsted b: 1867 in California m: 1885 in California d: 1951 in California
................... 3 Eda B. Bennison b: 22 Dec 1887 in California
................... 3 Arnold D. Bennison b: 1898 in California
........ 2 Mary Bennison
............ +John Wood m: 1882 in Knox, Illinois
*2nd Wife of Henry Bennison:
.. +Sarah M. Burton b: 1833 in Goshen, Clermont Co., Ohio m: 1866 in Knox Co., Illinois d: 1901 in Santa Paula, California
........ 2 Cora Belle Bennison b: 19 Dec 1868 in Illinois d: 19 Dec 1935 in Fairfield, Iowa
............ +Jacob Ollany Miller b: 03 Nov 1867 in Iowa m: 04 Apr 1889 in Keokuk, Iowa d: 31 Oct 1940 in Van Buren County, Iowa
................... 3 Mary Neva Miller b: 14 May 1900 in Martinsburg, Iowa d: 17 Jan 1997 in Coralville, Iowa
....................... +Raphael Earlston Smith b: 19 Jun 1895 in Abingdon, Ia m: 17 Jan 1918 in Ottumwa, Iowa d: 23 Mar 1982 in Douds, Ia.
............................. 4 Gerald Roy Smith b: 10 Feb 1925
................................. +Sommer
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Son Smith
........................................ 5 Son Smith
........................................ 5 Son Smith
............................. *2nd Wife of Gerald Roy Smith:
................................. +Holton
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
........................................ 5 Daughter Smith
............................. *3rd Wife of Gerald Roy Smith:
................................. +Twyla Ramona Welch b: 02 Mar 1929 in What Cheer, Iowa m: 23 Dec 1946 in Fairfield, Iowa
........................................ 5 Living Smith
........................................ 5 Jane E. Smith
............................. 4 Donald Smith b: 1929
................... 3 Ralph Ollany Miller b: 10 Mar 1890 in Keokuk, Iowa d: 20 Oct 1974 in Hedrick, Iowa
....................... +Carrie Eva Denny
................... *2nd Wife of Ralph Ollany Miller:
....................... +Sarah Harriet Day b: 13 Nov 1894 in Keokuk, Iowa m: 02 Oct 1914 in Roswell, New Mexico d: 13 Oct 1924 in Highland Center, Iowa
............................. 4 David Keith Miller
................................. +Virginia Mae Baines b: 14 Apr 1929 in Suffolk, Virginia d: 01 Aug 1960 in Tachikawa Ab, Japan
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
............................. *2nd Wife of David Keith Miller:
................................. +Irma Gertrude Shepard
............................. 4 Robert Jake Miller
................................. +Eva Lucille Brooks b: 20 May 1928 d: 28 Sep 1983
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
........................................ 5 Son Miller
............................. 4 Cora Ellen Miller
................................. +Jack Lloyd Raymond b: 26 Aug 1917 d: 01 Mar 1997 in Fairfield, Iowa
........................................ 5 Daughter Raymond
........................................ 5 Son Raymond
........................................ 5 Son Raymond
............................. 4 Cecil Ralph Miller b: 06 Aug 1915 in Jefferson, Iowa d: 22 Oct 1984 in Van Buren, Iowa
................................. +Margaret Irene Mellott b: 30 May 1921 in Iowa m: 22 Oct 1935 in Fairfield, Iowa d: 28 Apr 1992 in Van Buren, Iowa
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Son Miller
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
........................................ 5 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Esther May Miller b: 19 Oct 1916 in Batavia, Iowa d: 31 Dec 1973 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
................................. +Ralph Lavelle Van Skiver b: 29 Sep 1911 in Saint Paris, Champaign, Ohio m: 26 Oct 1936 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona d: 18 Nov 1983 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
........................................ 5 Ronald Van Skiver b: 10 May 1955 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona d: 16 Jul 1974 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
................... 3 Charles Edward Miller b: 09 Oct 1891 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Mar 1973 in Iowa
....................... +Ollie
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Daughter Miller
............................. 4 Edna B. Miller b: 1919 in North Batavia, Jefferson, Iowa d: 29 Mar 1996 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
................................. +Charlie Longerbone b: 14 Dec 1914 in Packwood, Jefferson, Iowa m: 1938 d: 07 Mar 1975 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa
........................................ 5 Daughter Longerbone
........................................ 5 Son Longerbone
................... 3 Elsie Mae Miller b: 03 Nov 1893 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Sep 1972 in Iowa
....................... +Chester B. Day b: 23 Aug 1890 in Keokuk, Iowa m: 06 Oct 1912 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Abt. 1955
............................. 4 Everett Lee Day
................................. +Mildred Jean Courtney
............................. *2nd Wife of Everett Lee Day:
................................. +Welch
........................................ 5 Arnold Eugene Day b: 10 Jan 1947 d: 16 Nov 1975 in Illinois
............................................ +Ross
.................................................. 6 Daughter Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Son Day
........................................ 5 Daughter Day
........................................ 5 Daughter Day
................... 3 Harlan Joseph Miller b: 09 Jan 1896 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Jan 1970 in Iowa
....................... +Eunice
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Son Miller
............................. 4 Son ? Miller
................... 3 Floyd Miller b: Jan 1896 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Sep 1896 in Iowa
................... 3 Rillie Pearl Miller b: 21 Apr 1898 in Keokuk, Iowa d: Apr 1987 in California
....................... +Harold Leo Dacy b: 05 Apr 1898 in Aledo, Mercer, Illinois d: 21 Feb 1972 in San Diego, San Diego, California
............................. 4 Daughter Dacy
............................. 4 Son Dacy
............................. 4 Margaret Dacy b: 1916
................................. +Unknown Wiley
................... 3 Alice Irene Miller b: 10 Jan 1903 in Keokuk, Iowa d: 26 Oct 1989 in Show Low, Arizona
....................... +Ernest Roscoe Mitchell b: 19 Sep 1901 in Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa m: 18 Oct 1922 in Fairfield, Jefferson, Iowa d: 03 Mar 1967 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona
............................. 4 Leonard B. Mitchell b: 1924
................................. +Irene M Phillips
........................................ 5 Son Mitchell
........................................ 5 Daughter Mitchell
........................................ 5 Son Mitchell
............................. 4 Eleanor L Mitchell b: 1926
................................. +Ira Clifford Wicker b: 22 Aug 1924 in Chamberino, Dona Ana, New Mexico d: 20 Apr 1956 in San Ysidro, San Diego, California
........................................ 5 Daughter Wicker
........................................ 5 Daughter Wicker
........ 2 Frank C. Bennison b: 1867 in Illinois d: Abt. 1935
............ +Lizzie b: Mar 1864 in Illinois
................... 3 Cora Bennison b: Mar 1896 in Illinois
........ 2 Adelbert Bennison b: 1871 in Illinois
........ 2 Harry Bennison b: 1877 in Illinois
Ventura County Republican Project: History and Rootsweb Genealogy posted by Jon Miller and Tony Larson.
Republican Politics,
Friday, July 6, 2007
Ventura County Republican Party Upcoming Events
When: Wednesday, August 1, 2007
through Sunday, August 12, 2007
For more information contact headquarters at (805) 557-1240
California Republican Party Fall Convention
Where: THE RENAISSANCE ESMERALDA RESORT & SPA, 44-400 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA 92210
When: Friday, September 7, 2007
through Sunday, September 9, 2007
PHONE: (916) 448-9496 FAX: (916) 448-9497
When: Wednesday, August 1, 2007
through Sunday, August 12, 2007
For more information contact headquarters at (805) 557-1240
California Republican Party Fall Convention
Where: THE RENAISSANCE ESMERALDA RESORT & SPA, 44-400 Indian Wells Lane, Indian Wells, CA 92210
When: Friday, September 7, 2007
through Sunday, September 9, 2007
PHONE: (916) 448-9496 FAX: (916) 448-9497
Wednesday, July 4, 2007

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the United States
1911 - 2004
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